Chapter 13

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(Marcus) Something about that house seemed very fishy to me, but she wasn't physically hurting herself with a visit so I decided to skip telling her father about it. That night, her father came to question me after the dinner. I was about to go to sleep when I heard his firm knock. I rapidly put some pants on and went to open the door; I couldn't find any shirt in the rush.

-Hello, sir.

He looked at my shirtless abdomen trying to hide his obvious discomfort.

-Um, hey Marcus. Im sorry; I didn't realize you went to bed. May I enter?

-Yes, of course.

-I wanted to ask you about today. Have you had a good time with Vivien?


-That's great. Where have you been?

-We drove around the city. We called an uber.

-Any specific place you went to?

-Not necessarily, she just wanted to see the city.

-Where did you stop?

-Nowhere, only back at the hotel.

-So you stayed in a car going around the city the whole time?

-Yes, it was her wish.

He came closer to me and pointed his brown glassy eyes directly into mine. He examined every move in the search for a lie then spoke almost in a whisper.

-You have my complete trust when it comes to her, Marcus. I hope you don't do anything to break it.

He didn't wait for an answer; he backed and left, leaving me in the middle of the room. My heart was racing fast in my chest, I wondered if he heard it. He could as well feel the vibrations considering how close he stood.

My body dragged me numbly towards the bed and I sat myself. I let out a relieved sigh and I laid my thoughts throwing me back to the house. I could see it in front of me as I felt like falling into amnesia. I put my hand on the doorknob, which was surprisingly unlocked, and I entered. My fantasy led me to a woman; she was beautiful, almost like Vivien. They looked so similar they could be related. She stood in front of me, examining every part of my face, resting her hazel eyes on mine. I admired her form, her likeness to Vivien until she snapped her fingers. The noise echoed in my ears when I opened my eyes and realized I was fully awake. It was 5 AM.

The whole day my mind was focused directly on that house. I couldn't get out of my mind that woman. She looked like an almost perfect copy of Vivien, or maybe it was the other way around. My attention redirected a little bit at home, when I bumped into Margareta, one of the maids. The laundry basket which she was holding  fell loudly on the ground, causing me to become fully awake and see the dirty clothes spread all over the floor.

-I am so sorry Margareta; I should have paid more attention.

-It's okay Marcus, things like this happen all the time.

-Oh, no let me take care of these.

-You don't have to...

-Please, it was my fault. I'll even put them to the washer.

She looked at me confused then let out a rich laugh.

-Okay okay, just be careful. There are Miss Vivien's new clothes, I don't know how she stained them so quickly but it ain't my job to ask.

-I'll be careful.

She smiled and left me with the dirty clothes. I started to collect them and put them back in the basket when I got to Vivien's new shirt. I remembered her wearing it at school the day we left on the trip, but when I looked closer I noticed something weird. It was stained with fuel. How could Vivien's shirt be stained by motor gas?

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