Chapter 14

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Days had passed and nothing changed since our talk in the garden. We were silently avoiding each other, being together only when Vivien left the house and I had to be there too. Noticing this Vivien barely left the house anymore. She didn't need me when she was going to school since she had her personal driver and in the weekends or afternoons she would stay closed in her room.

My work days had transformed into free days, it was almost nothing to do anymore. I was walking around the house asking anyone else if they needed help just to occupy my time. A few weeks passed when Mr. Collin finally noticed what I was doing. The sudden sound of a voice behind me made me drop the flowers I was about to plant.


I turned to the serious face of Mr. Collin's. His straight expression let a bit of confusion to be seen.

-What are you doing here?

-I am helping the gardener with some of the flowers sir.

-Who gave you the permission to do that? Get up.

I stood from my place letting the flowers laying on the ground, I took off all the left bits of dirt from my pants and I focused my attention back to Mr. Collin.

-Now, I do appreciate when my employees help each other, but you've been doing this for too long.


-I have seen you are doing everyone's job but yours.

-I am sorry sir but-

-No, I know. I have come to talk to you about this Marcus. Vivien is worrying me; she stays only in her room.

I nodded in the lack of anything to say, but I wanted him to know that I was listening.

-So since you are so bored of your job, I have a new one for you.

-Sir, I really-

-No need of excuses. I want you to get Vivien out of the house. She needs to go out a little bit, breathe some fresh air. Understood?

-Yes, sir.

I knew this isn't going to be an easy job, Vivien was not going out anymore to avoid being with me, she was still angry. I went back in the house and straight to her room. I knocked carefully on the door, barely touching it. Truth be told, I didn't want to be with her either, she was so selfish and spoiled but I had to. No sound was made on the other side. I left out a sigh and knocked louder.

-Come in.

I entered to the immediate picture of her on the bed; she was sitting on her belly browsing her phone. At my bare sight she got up and frowned in displeasure.

-What are you doing here?

-Your father gave me orders to get you out of the house, Miss.

She sat back on the bed, preventing some hairs from falling on her face by blowing them away.

-I am not going anywhere with you.

-Well, I am sorry to disappoint you Miss, but you have to.

-Pardon me?

-Your father's orders.

She left a defeated sigh and pointed me with an angry stare.

-Be ready in half an hour. Don't be late.

-Of course, Miss.

I went outside to the car. The strict rules I have been given after Viviens sabotage clearly said that I had to verify the car before every usage. I had to do that before too, but the change was that if I don't verify it in my best way I am getting fired without any excuses. Thanks for that Vivien.

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