Chapter 2

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(No one's pov)

'Chris!' Clara yelled up the stairs, 'get down here immediately' she finished. Chris came stomping down the stairs, 'why' he said clearly irritated, 'according to Taylor it's your turn to do the dishes so chop, chop!' Clara said with a chuckle before making her way to the living room. Chris groaned audible as Taylor walked passed him while sticking her tongue out. Clara just laughed at the sight of her two youngest children as she plopped down on the couch next to her husband, Michael. 'You know, we could've asked Sinuhe if she could take those two to the beach too' Michael said clearly irritated at the constant fighting of his children, 'The poor woman, she already has to take 5 girls with her, and by the way, there was no space in the van' Clare informed him. Michael chuckled and continued flipping through the channels, 'Are you going to watch any-..' Clare started but was cut off by the sound of the telephone ringing, 'PHONE' Chris yelled from the kitchen and Clara scowled at him. She walked over to the telephone which was on the wall right next to the television, 'Hello?' she asked -not knowing who the unknown number was from- 'Hello miss Jauregui?' 'yes?' Clara answered confused 'I'm officer Carlton' the man said 'Is it correct that you have a daughter named Lauren Jauregui, seventeen years old?' he finished 'Yes' Clara said a frown forming on her face 'what about her?' 'she has been in a car accident along with four other girls and two adults' The officer said and Clara gasped, receiving some weird looks from Michael and her two other children. 'B-but is she alright?' Clara stuttered clearly shocked. 'I'm sorry ma'am, I've no idea, two people died and one person is in a critical state in the ICU' Clare was speechless, 'Could you please come to the Miami State Hospital so we could ask you some questions along with the other parents?' Clara nodded her head, but when she realised she was on the phone she quickly said ok and a thank you and hung up before crashing down on the couch in the arms of her husband. 'She's b-been in a.. car accident!' Clara managed to get out between sobs, Chris dropped a plate in the kitchen and yelled 'WHAT?', Taylor was speechless she was standing in the doorway; hands covering her mouth and tears rolling down her cheeks. 'We need to go to the hospital!' Clara said before jumping up and grabbing her car keys.


'Andrea, Malika why don't you go to the living room already, then I will finish the dishes and we can watch some TV' Patricia suggested as they were done eating, 'We will be outside!' Jerry called over his shoulder with Gordon and Derrick following behind him.

Andrea and Malika plopped down on the couch in the living room when the phone rang 'Don't worry I'll get it!' Andrea called towards Patricia who was already drying her hands on a towel. 'Hernandez household' she said into the phone, 'Hello this is officer Carlton' a man said from the other side 'Who is this?' he asked after that, 'Andrea Hamilton' she said confused. 'Could you please tell me who you're with at the moment?' the officer asked and Andrea did as she was told 'Jerry and Patricia Hernandez, Gordon and Malika Hansen and Derrick Hamilton'. Patricia and Malika were standing beside her looking strangely at her, 'Good, I just called with the Jauregui family. The girls, what I suppose are your daughters, Allyson, Dinah, Camila and Normani?' he ask uncertain 'yes, apart from Camila' Andrea confirmed 'they've been in a car accident, so I must ask you to come to Miami State Hospital so we can ask you some questions' The officer said 'O-oh, thank you.. we're on our way' Andrea said as she hung up the phone. 'We need to go to the hospital right now' she said almost inaudible 'what?' 'why?' Patricia and Malika asked, 'the girls have been in a car accident' the now sobbing Andrea told them. Patricia didn't waste any time and ran to the back door 'Get in the van! We need to go to the hospital', ignoring their questions she ran back inside grabbed her car keys and ran to the front door, 'GET IN THE VAN!' She yelled again.

'What's happening?' Gordon, Derrick and Jerry asked as they saw the worried and tearstained faces of their wives 'The girls have been in a car accident, we need to go to the hospital' Patricia explained as calm as possible, the guys were in shock and Jerry immediately tried to call Ally but groaned in frustration when he got her voicemail. The rest of the car ride was completely silent, all three of the couples didn't know what to expect and were in complete shock.

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