Chapter 15

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It was finally Friday, Camila felt like those four days had been years.. everything went great though, she didn’t have any seizures anymore, and she finally succeeded to show the girls how far she could walk on her third attempt. The first attempt went absolutely wrong because of the seizure, the second attempt she didn’t even make it out of the room because she was having a headache, but at the third attempt she finally succeeded, she even made it back to her room which again was a new improvement.

The fact that everyone was so proud of her and happy to see her walking again motivated Camila even more to do her exercises and she was getting better and better, and also the fact that Camila was so motivated and excited about every little improvement made the girls happy. So basically it was a win-win situation.

Clara, Michael and Lauren would be there in an hour to take her home to pack and sort everything out, she wasn’t looking forward to it at all, she told Clara that she could take every piece of furniture she wanted or needed since they were going to take care of her. Clara already said that she could use a new coffee machine and Camila immediately offered her to take theirs which she gladly accepted. It wasn’t like Camila wasn’t looking forward to moving in with the Jauregui’s, that was absolutely not the case, she was even looking forward to it. It was just the fact that she had to leave everything behind that reminded her of her parents which made her kind of sad, she loved that house it had been property of her family for ages, and now it was being sold to some other family. Dinah had been saying things like ‘girl, you must be rich now’ it was kind of true, Camila’s family absolutely wasn’t poor, but to be honest Camila didn’t give a crap about the money. It didn’t feel right to her, it felt like she was stealing it from her parents, so she promised herself to save the money and use it for college and a house when she was older.

‘knock, knock’ she heard a deep voice say from the doorway, she glanced up to see Papa J with a sweet smile on his face, ‘you ready to go Mila?’ he asked her and Camila nodded her head, not trusting her voice since she was on the verge of tears seconds ago. She grabbed her crutches and stumbled after the man. Clara and Lauren were waiting for them in the car, as soon as Lauren spotted Camila she got out of the backseat and opened the door for the smaller girl. ‘Never knew my Lo could be such a Lady.’ Camila teased as she lowered herself into the backseat, Lauren just playfully pushed her shoulder and walked to the other side of the car before getting in the backseat next to Camila. ‘Are you sure you can handle four girls papa J?’ Camila said jokingly and Michael just laughed in response.

When they arrived at Camila’s place a lump formed itself in her throat, Lauren must have noticed that she tensed up because she immediately tried to calm the girl down. ‘It’s going to be alright ok?’ Lauren told her ‘Come on, I will help you’ She said as she took a hold of Camila’s hand and a jolt of electricity went through their arms, Lauren glanced up at Camila to see if she felt it too but the smaller girl had her eyes fixed on her lap. Sadly enough Lauren couldn’t see that Camila turned bright red at the contact.

As soon as they got out of the car, Camila’s knees were trembling and Lauren got kind of scared at the thought of her falling, ‘Piggy back ride?’ she offered with a playful smile and Camila gladly accepted with a smirk. She climbed on Lauren’s back and Lauren walked the both of them into the house, the Cabello house was pretty big so Lauren already predicted that it would take them a long time to sort everything out. There were two trucks waiting outside, the only thing Camila had to do is put all the small stuff in boxes and put a red or green sticker on it. Red stickers meant that she was giving it away, green meant that it had to go to the Jauregui house. Camila decided to start with her room so Lauren walked upstairs with Camila still on her back, Camila jumped of Lauren’s back and let herself fall to her knees in front of her dresser. Lauren handed her some boxes as Camila started to sort out her clothes. Meanwhile Michael and Clara were inspecting the furniture and thinking about what they could use and not, for example the coffee machine, dishwasher, sofa, recliners and technological devices all got a green sticker.

It took them about three hours to sort everything out and put everything in the trucks, they were on their way to Lauren’s place which now also was Camila’s with the truck with the green stickered stuff following them. It had been pretty hard on Camila, especially to decide on her parents stuff. She decided to send most of her parents stuff to her grandma in Cuba, and all the stuff that was meant for Sofia was going to her aunt who also lived in Cuba who was expecting a baby too.

When they arrived home Lauren send Camila inside since it had been a long and hard day, when Camila entered the house through the front door she was immediately attacked by Chris and Taylor who seemed to be happy that Camila was going to live with them. ‘Mila, we’re watching a movie do you want to join?’ Taylor asked her happily and Camila nodded her head with a smile as she followed the two younger kids into the living room. Even though she spend most of her time at Lauren’s place it felt weird to be there with the thought that she was going to live there, she didn’t want to be a burden. She’d already told Clara that she would do as much as she could to help her, but Clara just laughed in response telling her that it wasn’t necessary.

Halfway through the movie Lauren plopped down next to Camila on the couch, the smaller girl immediately rested her head on her shoulder and again, butterflies fluttered in Lauren’s stomach. ‘All your stuff is upstairs’ Lauren told her as she rested her head against Camila’s, ‘you can do whatever you want with your room, just like us’ she told the girl with a smile even though she couldn’t see it. ‘Why would I want to change it?’ Camila asked, she’d slept in the spare rooms before, personally she thought they were great. ‘I don’t know..’ Lauren mumbled unsure ‘The walls are white so maybe you want to paint them, or rearrange the furniture or maybe you even want new furniture’ Lauren explained ‘Oh yeah wait, do you want to see your room?’ Lauren asked as she realised the girl hadn’t seen her new room yet, Camila nodded eagerly and Lauren turned around on the couch so the girl was able to climb on her back. When Lauren got up with Camila on her back a sad expression spread across Taylor’s and Chris’ face, ‘Where are you going Mila?’ the two of them asked in unison, ‘I’m going to show her her new room’ Lauren explained ‘I will be back though!’ Camila quickly told them as Lauren started to walk which caused the two of them to smile.

Once upstairs Camila jumped of Lauren’s back which caught her of guard, ‘Camz what are you doing?!’ Lauren practically screamed, she turned around to see Camila leaning against the wall with a grin on her face. ‘There’s carpet on the floor here, I want to try without crutches please!’ Camila practically begged, Lauren knew that if she would fall it wouldn’t hurt that much since she fell a lot in the hallway when she was smaller, plus it would be great for Camila to try new things. ‘Alright’ she breathed out and moved out of the way as she pointed out to Camila which room was hers. Camila let go of the wall and carefully set one wobbly step, it was kind of funny to see to be honest, it was like her feet were really heavy and she was about to fall over, but only the reason why it looked like that wasn’t that funny. Lauren cheered as Camila set a second step, she stopped again for a second to find her balance. She was about seven steps away from the door, with the fourth step she fell forward but found her balance again just in time. She leaned against the wall again for a second before continuing. Fifth step.. sixth step.. seventh- She fell forward again but Lauren jumped forward and wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist, ‘You’re doing great Camz’ she told her reassuring as she let go again. Camila opened the door and once inside she sat down on the ground as she admired the room. The walls were white but Lauren and Michael had put up all her posters and photo’s. In the middle of the room, underneath the window was her twin sized bed and next to her bed on either of the sides of the bed was a small white table which she could use as a night stand. She had her own bathroom, just like Lauren. Michael even made two guitar hooks in the wall which were holding her guitars, all her old furniture was also in the room, in the same position as her old room. ‘I love it!’ Camila exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Lauren’s legs since she was standing up, ‘you sure?’ Lauren asked not sure if she was just not trying to be rude. ‘No it’s perfect! Thank you!’ Camila told her happily.

After some time of silence as Camila continued to adore her room, she turned to Lauren again, ‘can you help me to the bed?’ she said with a blush clearly ashamed that she wasn’t able to walk herself. Without a warning Lauren bend down and picked the girl up bridal style, receiving a shriek from Camila. She dropped Camila on the bed and let herself fall down next to the girl, ‘don’t worry alright?’ she told the smaller girl, clearly sensing that she was still a bit tense around her siblings and parents ‘we all love you, you’re part of the family now alright? There’s nothing to worry about’ she reassured her and wrapped her arms around the girl.

  ‘Thank you’

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