Chapter 22

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Camila let herself fall to her knees once she entered the bathroom, she screamed not caring if someone could hear her. ‘Please come back’ she cried as she buried her head in her hands, these were the moments she wished her parents were still there, she was craving her mother’s soft soothing words and her father’s stern but caring voice.

Austin and Camila’s “date” was now two months ago, after that day they had gone on a lot of those “hang outs”.  There was no need to tell that Austin was in love with Camila, he wanted to make it official so bad, but Camila just wasn’t ready yet, she wanted to figure out her feelings first, and he was ok with that. Camila had bad days, often, he would come over and make her feel better, he would bring her flowers or something small and he would watch movies with her. He felt like a big brother to Camila. Sometimes he would pick her up and drive her to school. You could say Camila was getting better, her bad days were less frequently, she was able to walk with one crutch now and her speech was only bad when she didn’t get any sleep at all. She was used to the staring and pointing at school, due to the daily reminders of Austin and the girls –who also grew really close over the past two months- that she was beautiful she started to believe it herself too. She didn’t even try to cover up her burns and scars anymore. She also gained some of her weight back, she was on a healthy weight again so most of her clothes fitted her again.

Camila hadn’t considered today a ‘bad day’ until ten minutes ago. She was walking towards her Spanish class which she had with neither the girls or Austin, she was walking all by herself.

Can you come to my lock-

She was just mid-text when she bumped into someone, she heard her phone clatter against the hard tile floor and she was almost completely sure that her screen was cracked, just when she decided to leave her otter box at home.. she glanced up while mumbling a couple of sorry’s ‘Watch were you’re goi-‘ someone started but stopped as soon as they made eye contact ‘Ew..’ Grace said with a frown ‘it’s you’. Grace –in other words: Austin’s ex- was pretty popular even though most of her peers hated her. ‘Sorry..’ Camila mumbled again and bend down to pick up her phone, but a firm hand was placed on her shoulder which kept her in place. ‘You’re going out with Austin, right?’ she said in the same bitchy tone as usual ‘N-no, we’re just friends’ Camila stammered, she wasn’t sure why she was afraid of Grace but she certainly was. ‘Hmm I didn’t know you’re stupid brain affected your speech, C-Camila?’ Grace mocked and Camila clenched her fist in anger ‘Whoa easy, don’t want to hurt yourself again don’t you’ Grace said with a big mocking smile. ‘You really think Austin would date a handicapped moron like you when he could have me?’ Grace said gesturing to Camila’s legs, ‘I’m not handicapped’ Camila said through gritted teeth ‘So are you now saying that if I take this..’ she paused for a moment and grabbed Camila’s crutch in a swift movement ‘you can still walk?’ Grace finished with a smirk while she held the crutch out of Camila’s reach. Camila could feel her knees getting weak and she leaned against the lockers behind her, she could walk without it for a pretty long time but she was just exhausted, ‘give it back!’ Camila said sternly but Grace just laughed. ‘No, no’ she said while shaking her head ‘come on Camila walk, or can’t you?’ she asked her mockingly. When Camila didn’t move she huffed ‘walk Camila, now.’ she said more stern this time. When Camila didn’t move again Grace pushed her firmly against her shoulder and Camila immediately lost her balance and she fell to her knees. ‘I guess you should rethink that’ Grace said with a smirk, as she threw the crutch on the ground next to Camila. ‘Stay away from Austin, disabled freak. Did you really think he wouldn’t notice your burns, he’s not blind Camila, he’s using you’ Grace snapped, she walked away but not without kicking Camila in the gut. She pushed herself up with the help of her crutch, grabbed her phone –which was indeed cracked- and stumbled towards the bathroom.

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