Chapter 7

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Today it was exactly three weeks since the accident, which also meant that Camila has been in a coma for two weeks now. All of them were getting ready for Alejandro’s and Sinuhe’s funeral, none of them said a word that morning, their heads were flooded with flashbacks and memories of the accident, it was terrifying..

All of them watched as the coffins of both Sinuhe and Alejandro were being lifted down into the three meter deep hole in the ground, Clara couldn’t take it anymore she covered her face with her hands and ran towards the gate of the cemetery, her husband quickly followed her apologising to the others. All of them had tears streaming down their cheeks, as much as they wanted to say something they couldn’t; lumps formed in their throats as they tried to hold back the tears. Lauren was the second to snap she screamed and tried to ran forward to stop them, ‘they aren’t dead!’ she kept screaming over and over again while it took Normani, Dinah and Ally to hold her back, they led Lauren to a nearby bench and watched the funeral from there. As soon as the funeral was over Ally tried to calm down Lauren who was crying hysterically on a nearby bench. She wrapped her arms around the taller girl and slowly rocked her in her arms until her cries turned into sobs and her sobs into sniffs. Ally stood up and grabbed Lauren’s hand ‘Piggyback ride?’ she asked with a small smile, Lauren looked up at the girl with the smallest smile ‘I’m wearing a dress silly’ Lauren said before lowering her head again, ‘right..’Ally mumbled before taking the girls hand and pulling her up, she handed Lauren her crutches and together they left the cemetery.

Lauren couldn’t stop thinking about how Camila would’ve reacted, or how she will react when she finds out she doesn’t have any parents anymore. ‘Maybe it’s better when she doesn’t wake up’ Lauren mumbled but out of the corner she saw Ally drop her phone on her duvet ‘What?’ Ally asked her shocked, a single salty thick tear rolled down Lauren’s cheek ‘don’t you understand Ally!’ she snapped at the smaller girl who looked a bit taken aback to her reaction ‘Who is going to tell her she doesn’t have any parents anymore when she wakes up’ Lauren continued through gritted teeth ‘If she wakes up..’ Lauren whispered afterwards before letting out a loud cry and burying her face into her pillow. Ally needed a minute to let everything sink in before and as tears started to stream down her face she hurried over to Lauren and hugged her tight.

From that day Lauren visited Camila every day, there wasn’t any progress yet according to the nurses only that her cuts and scrapes were healing and that her bruises were fading just like theirs. She waited every day for Camila to wake up until the nurses would force her out of the room because visitors hours were over. The girls noticed that Lauren was going downhill again, she was doing better after that one “date” she and Ally had because Ally would take her out almost every day to do something fun to get her mind off, but now all she does is stare at Camila and begging her to wake up.

Lauren waited for days and then for weeks those quickly turned into a month, then into two..

‘Camz please say something,’ Lauren begged the smaller girl, the familiar sensation of tears once again playing at her eyes. ‘Just one word. Please.’ She begged again,  ‘I’m starting to think that they’re right you know. That this is it but I don’t want to give up, I don’t want to say goodbye because it hurts so much to think about a future without you in it.’ She took a second to wipe her tears away before she continued again ‘Who’s going to make me smile when you’re gone Camz?’ Lauren asked her ‘Who’s going to make me laugh the way that only you can with your corny jokes? Nobody?’. Lauren leant forward further over Camila’s body and laid her head carefully on the smaller girl’s chest and she listened as her heart  beat rhythmically in her chest. ‘You know what I don’t understand,’ Lauren told her. ‘How can you still be alive but not really be here? How is that possible? I can still hear your heart. I can feel it in your chest. It’s still beating Camz.’ Lauren felt her emotions getting the better of her but couldn’t control them, her sorrow and her frustration turning anger towards the other girl. ‘Would you please just fucking say something?’ Lauren asked her sobbing ‘Please, please say something, please. I need you to say something I don’t want to give up on you. Say something, anything…”

‘I’m really trying not to lose faith Camz, but it has been almost three months,’ Lauren said after some time. ‘I’m really trying to stay optimistic but I can’t, not when everyone is giving up on you.  I can feel myself giving up on you too, but I don’t want to Camzi. I want to believe that you’ll get through this, but with each day that passes it’s seeming less and less likely’ Lauren finished. She could already see the nurse approaching the room, she planted a soft kiss on Camila’s brow and let her lips linger there for a little bit longer. ‘Visitors hours ar-‘ The nurse started but Lauren cut her of ‘Are over, I know’ she walked out of the room after glancing back at Camila one more time.

 Yes indeed, Lauren got her cast off. She got her cast off last week, Ally came to pick her up that morning, both of  them were having their casts removed. Her lower leg felt ticklish and numb at first but it got better over the days, Ally had to do some hand exercises everyday to help her hand recover because it still felt kind of numb.  Lauren wondered how people at school were going to react, they sure would notice there were only four of them suddenly, she still had to prepare everything and buy new things for school, school was already starting in a week. 

filler chapter sorry

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