Chapter 9

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Lauren  walked over to the smaller girl and took a hold of her hand, she intertwined their fingers and pulled her along to an empty space in the living room, next to the staircase. She needed Ally, she needed to feel her, to taste her, she didn’t know if it was the grinding that turned her on, the alcohol or the small beautiful human being in front of her. ‘Lo what’s wr-‘ Ally was cut off by Lauren’s lips being smashed on hers, it took her some seconds before she realized what was going on, Lauren was kissing her and after some seconds she kissed back. Lauren kissed the smaller girl hard, it was nothing like the last kiss, this one was rough and full of hunger. She slowly parted her lips and poked her tongue against Ally’s lips, Ally granted her access, as soon as she started to part them Lauren’s tongue darted inside of her mouth, their tongues fought for dominance and Lauren pulled back for a split second but before Ally could do anything the taller girls was already sucking on her tongue, she felt Lauren’s hands moving from her sides town to her hips. Lauren pulled the smaller girl closer to her while she pushed her against the wall, she pulled her as close as possible against her hips and started grinding against her hips while sucking on her tongue, she moved her hands even lower and squeezed the smaller girl’s ass, hard.. A low moan escaped Lauren mouth and that was when it hit Ally, Lauren was drunk, she didn’t know what she was doing. Ally’s love was real, Lauren was just horny because of the alcohol and her grinding session with Normani. Ally started to panic and out of the corner of her eyes she could see Troy looking at the two of them, a furious but also sad expression on his face.

A tear rolled down her cheek and she pushed against Lauren’s shoulder in order to push her away. Lauren pulled away when she felt Ally’s tears hit her lips and looked at her questioning. ‘This is wrong’ Ally said removing Lauren’s hands from her hips. Troy walked over to Dinah and Normani who were also watching the scene from a three metre distance ‘What’s going on?’ Troy asked sadness evident in his tone and Dinah and Normani just shrugged her shoulders not knowing what to tell the boy.

‘Aren’t you enjoying it?’ Lauren asked slurring the words a dopey smile on her face ‘No, yes, of course Lauren’ Ally said uncertain of what to answer ‘You just don’t get it alright!’ Ally said before breaking down in tears. Lauren was about to hug her but Ally pushed past her with tears rolling freely down her cheeks, she ran past Dinah, Normani and Troy who did another attempt of grabbing her arm but Ally kept running until she reached the front door. She could hear the girls and even Troy behind her yelling her name, Ally decided to ignore them as she jerked the door open. She ran outside into the dark misty air, she kept running until she reached Lauren’s house she rummaged through her purse in order to find the key Lauren had given her before they went to the party because she was afraid of losing it. She didn’t even bother about locking the door, she ran up the stairs and let herself fall down on the twin sized bed she usually shared with Lauren. It felt empty without the taller girl being her big spoon. But even though it felt empty she just wanted to be alone right now, she needed to figure everything out.

Dinah and Normani watched as Ally ran past them with tears rolling down her cheek, they tried to grab her arm but the little one was just too fast. They saw Lauren slowly turning around with a confused look on her face, ‘What the fuck did you just do Lauren’ Normani said ‘why would you kiss her’ Troy stepped in. ‘I just.. I don’t know’ Lauren answered while scratching her neck with her right arm, ‘let go home, you’re drunk, and Ally is probably upset’ Dinah said while reaching out to grab the girl’s arm.

Dinah and Normani had a hard time walking home, it took them three times as long as usual, Lauren was dizzy and was falling over everything, after every ten metres they walked they had to stop because Lauren needed to sit down. When they finally arrived at Lauren’s place the front door was unlocked and Dinah got kind of worried, she told Normani to stay with Lauren as she ran upstairs to check on Ally. She opened Lauren’s bedroom door to see that Ally was fast asleep on Lauren’s twin sized bed, she was still dressed and her make-up was everywhere and her eyes were puffy. Dinah immediately felt bad for Ally but jumped a little when she heard a loud thud in the staircase. She peaked her head around the corner to see Normani pushing Lauren up the stairs while Lauren was covering her mouth ‘What going o-‘ She started but Normani cut her off ‘OUT OF THE WAY’ she screamed. Dinah quickly shut Ally’s door not wanting the girl to wake up. She wanted to ask what’s wrong again but she got her answers when she saw Lauren falling to her knees in front of the toilet while Normani quickly grabbed her hair and held it up as Lauren puked her guts out. Dinah sighed and walked into the bathroom, she grabbed a cup from the cabinet filled it with water and put it on the ground beside Lauren with a small towel, ‘What about Ally’ Dinah asked Normani ‘Her make-up is everywhere and she’s still dressed’ Normani send her a sad look before turning her attention back to Lauren ‘Just change her and clean her up’ Normani said ‘she wouldn’t mind she also changes in front of us, it’s not like you would do anything bad to her’ Dinah nodded and walked back into Lauren’s bedroom, Ally was still asleep.

Dinah couldn’t find any bags that belonged to Ally so she just grabbed a shirt and short shorts from Lauren’s drawers. She carefully turned the girl onto her side she unzipped the playsuit and undid the small belt. She carefully laid her back down on her back again and took off the heels before pulling the playsuit down. She had a hard time pulling the playsuit of but she finally succeeded. The tights.. fuck.. Dinah pulled at the waistband while holding her underwear’s waistband not wanting to pull it down which always happened to herself, she felt kind of uncomfortable having to undress the girl while she was asleep. When the tights were over her butt she quickly pulled them off and threw them on the floor with the other clothes, she grabbed the pink short shorts she grabbed earlier and put her feet through the legs of the shorts. When she finally got them done they were way to lose and she groaned audible why does she have to be so small..

That was pretty much only thing she didn’t like about sharing clothes with the girls,  Ally and Camila are so small that they don’t fit in the other girls clothes so they can only share with each other while those two had the most and also the cutest clothing. She shook her head and just decided to leave the shorts like that, she only has to sleep in them so it shouldn’t be a problem. She grabbed the shirt and pulled it over the girl’s head and pulled it down, it looked like a dress but at least she’s wearing something, she walked into the bathroom which was connected to Lauren’s bedroom since Lauren was still in the other and got a wet towel and some make-up wipes. She carefully used the make-up wipes to remove all the make-up and afterwards she used the towel to clean her face completely. She was finally done with Ally and she was happy she didn’t wake up, Ally looked so peaceful compared to the mess she was some minutes ago. Dinah was pretty tired herself so she changed into her PJ’s before leaving again to check on Lauren. Luckily she was done puking, she was sitting on the floor singing an incomprehensible song while Normani was trying to get her to drink the water.

‘Lauren drink the fucking water, I’m tired’ Normani groaned as Lauren still didn’t take the water, ‘Just imagine what she will be like tomorrow’ Dinah said with a chuckle knowing that the girl would have a massive hangover, Normani groaned in response and pulled herself up. She put the glass on the sink ‘Fine, no water’ she said while pulling Lauren up too,  ‘let’s get her changed’ Normani suggested and Dinah hummed as agreement.

Normani and Dinah walked towards the bedroom while supporting Lauren. Dinah at once felt all Lauren’s weight on her as she almost fell because Normani let go ‘Mani what the hell!’ she whisper-yelled not wanting to wake Ally up while snaking her arm around Lauren’s waist in order to keep the girl standing. Normani was on her knees while her hands covered her mouth as she was shaking violently trying to hold in her laughter, she received some questioning looks from Dinah and Lauren and she quickly pulled herself together. ‘What is she wearing oh my god’ Normani whispered while bursting out in laughter again, Dinah glanced up towards the smaller girl and it indeed looked ridiculous ‘I’m sorry ok’ Dinah said with a chuckle ‘she didn’t bring any clothes and since she’s so small, well.. this’ she said pointing to the smaller girl who was practically drowning in the big clothes.

Lauren freed herself from Dinah’s grip and stumbled over to the bed she kicked off her heels, let her skirt fall down and pulled the cami over her head. She laid down while wrapping her arms around Ally’s small body, ‘Laur I don’t thi-‘ Dinah started but Normani cut her off ‘just leave her, she won’t move’.  Dinah and Normani laid down next to them and both decided to go to sleep. 

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