Chapter 5

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‘Sorry for waking you up last night’ Ally apologised as she sat next to Lauren on her bed, ‘Don’t worry, it’s ok’ Lauren said with a kind smile. A nurse handed both of them a plate of food before leaving the room again, ‘you know.. this food looks disgusting’ Ally laughed, ‘Hospital food is gross’ Lauren said while taking a bite of the sandwich. ‘By the way, sorry for storming out yesterday’ Ally apologised again as she thought back about the events of yesterday ‘it’s alright, I probably would have reacted the same’ Lauren said while wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. Ally really enjoyed the feeling of Lauren’s arms wrapped around her, it gave her a weird feeling in her stomach but it made her feel all fuzzy on the inside. ‘Do you want to visit Camila today?’ Ally asked and at the sound of her name Lauren’s smile immediately turned into a frown, she slowly nodded her head before taking another bite of the sandwich.

Just like yesterday, Ally wheeled Lauren to Camila’s room and they patiently waited for the nurse to finish replacing the gauze. While they were waiting they saw Normani and Dinah approaching them, ‘Can we visit her too?’ Dinah asked uncertain, but Ally send her a kind smile while saying ‘Sure’. ‘We’ve got to be back in our room at three though’ Dinah started ‘Our parents are coming’ the girls just nodded in response and turned their attention back at the door, waiting patiently for it to open.

When the door finally opened they let Normani and Dinah enter first since it was their first time visiting Camila. Normani and Dinah both gasped when their eyes fell on the small girl, they broke down in sobs and Lauren and Ally quickly hugged the both of them, trying their hardest not to cry themselves. They spend the rest of the time they had with Camila by telling her about their day, by telling her jokes and by telling her numerous times to wake up soon.

When time reached three pm, they all planted a kiss on Camila’s brow before leaving the room. When they walked around the corner they saw their parents entering their room already. ‘Any progress?’ Clara questioned the girls when they entered the room and the four of them sadly shook their heads, Clara sighed as she let herself fall back in the white plastic chair. A doctor entered the room with a broad smile on his face, ‘You’ll be released today, we’ll run some final tests and then y’all are ready to go home!’ he told them. All of them cheered except for Lauren, being released meant that she couldn’t visit Camila every day.

It was 5pm and the girls were changing from their hospital gowns into the clothes their parents had brought them. A nurse handed a pair of crutches since she was getting sick of the wheelchair, plus their house wasn’t accessible for wheelchairs. Lauren hated the idea of being home with Camila still being stuck here, even if Camila was in a coma.

-one week later-

Just like Clara expected the girls were scared to death when it came to driving, they had a hard time convincing the girls to even get in the car, but they eventually made it home safely. Lauren had spend the whole week in her bedroom either staring at the ceiling or crying her eyes out, she came downstairs like once in two days to eat dinner and afterwards disappearing upstairs again. Dinah spend her time at a therapist’s office because of the nightmares and her fear to drive since she really wanted to get her driver’s licence. Normani and Ally went to church every morning with their parents to pray for Camila and Lauren, they were worried sick about the two of them. Every time the girls had visited Lauren she would just scream and cry about how her Camzi had to wake up.

Ally woke up that morning to a phone call from Lauren, she was crying and rambling about how she couldn’t bear the thought of Camila being stuck in that hospital. Ally told her to calm down and that she would be there in ten minutes, Ally practically jumped out of bed after hanging up the phone, she quickly dressed herself and ran downstairs into the kitchen to grab an apple from the fruit bowl. Lauren lived only two blocks away from her so she decided to go there by foot, she ran to Lauren’s house while eating her apple. She wasn’t suppose to run because of her back and neck pains but she just had to help Lauren.

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