Chapter 24

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‘Can y’all go to-‘ Ally stopped talking abruptly when she noticed the strong smell of puke followed by the girl on the floor ‘What happened?’ she immediately asked Camila who was hysterically crying on the floor while hugging her knees to her chest. Camila violently shook her head and let out a cry. ‘I’m trying to sleep yo’ Dinah –who seemed to have sobered up a little- said as she descended the stair but stopped when the smell hit her, it made her gag. ‘Who died dawg, ew’ she complained as she entered the kitchen but her mouth fell open when she saw Camila and Lauren. ‘You’ve got to help me’ Ally told her firmly ‘please bring Lauren upstairs, I will help Camila’ Dinah nodded before grabbing a towel from the cupboard. She used it to wipe most of the puke of Lauren’s face and body before lifting her up. Lauren wasn’t that heavy so it wasn’t hard for her to carry her upstairs. She entered Lauren’s bedroom and laid her down on the bed, she was about to go and ask Ally what she should do next when a hysterical Camila barged into the room dragging Ally behind her. ‘Care to explain what happened?’ Dinah whisper-yelled at Ally when Camila threw herself on to the bed and took a hold of Lauren’s shirt as if her life depended on it. ‘I don’t know alright, I walked in on the same situation as you did’.

‘Come on Mila’ Ally said as she tried to remove Camila’s arms from the still unconscious Lauren’s waist ‘we need to change her, her clothes are covered in puke’ Ally said while tugging on her arm again. ‘I-I will do it’ Camila stammered, Ally shared an uncertain look with Dinah. ‘Are you sure you can handle that?’ Dinah asked Camila who still hadn’t calmed down ‘Y-Yes’ she stuttered before removing herself from the bed. ‘J-Just l-leave, I want to be.. alone’ she managed between sobs. Ally and Dinah shared another uncertain look before leaving the room ‘she’s messed up..’ Dinah commented when they closed the door of Lauren’s bedroom behind them ‘she was fine when I went up stairs, I did notice that Austin was gone at once though’ Ally told her and a furious expression formed itself on Dinah’s face. They didn’t say another word anymore until they reached the guest bedroom again, Normani was still sound asleep. Dinah laid down beside her friend before chuckling ‘I didn’t even notice you were in your underwear’ Ally looked down and blushed ‘I forgot..’ she mumbled before climbing into the bed.

Camila couldn’t stop crying and the pain in her wrist was unbearable. She pulled off her clothes and crawled onto the bed, she carefully rolled Lauren over and unzipped her dress, she carefully pulled it over the girl’s head not trying to wake her up. The smell coming from the dress made her gag. She threw the dress on the bathroom floor together with her clothes and grabbed a wet washing clothes. She carefully washed the puke of Lauren’s face and body before crawling into the bed beside the girl. She hugged Lauren closely and laid her head down on her still wet chest as she tried to fall asleep.

Lauren woke up the sound of someone whimpering, she tried to push herself up but a force was pushing down on her chest. She waited for her eyes to get used to the light before opening them completely, an acidic smell filled her nose which made her gag. She looked down to see a dark brown mop of hair laying on her chest which she recognized as Camila. The girl was whimpering and shaking violently but she seemed to be asleep. Lauren lifted the girl’s head and put it in her lap as she pushed herself up. She ran a hand through the girl’s hair as she whispered her name ‘Camz’. Camila started to stir and her eyes were fluttering open, but before Lauren even got a chance to say anything Camila jumped off the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom. The questions circling in Lauren’s head were soon answered when she heard the sound of the tiny girl puking her guts out. She was about to get up when yesterday’s events came back to her. And one thing in particular made her blood boil with anger.. Austin. ‘Camz are you alright?’ she asked as she entered the bathroom to see Camila leaning over the toilet while holding on to the seat. Lauren kneeled down behind her and held her hair back while rubbing her back softly

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