First Aid

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Cat walked around the kitchen. Putting things on to cook. Funny she loved to cook. It was the one thing she was good at. Shet smiled at Brennan as he walked into the kitchen taking the lid off one of the pots. "Oh, man! I can't wait. It's been months since we last had some of your pasta." he said.

"Brennan, can I talk to you?" Cat asked.

"You know you can, sweetheart. What is it?" he said.

"First, come here." They kissed. "Sorry that it's taken me so long to do that."

Brennan pulled her into his arms. "I don't know what's been bothering you, but it's nice to see that my cat is coming back." he said kissing her back.

Cat turned down the flame under one of the pots. It would take her more than a few days to get back to herself, but helping to find out who had killed Allison would help take her mind off her own heartache.

She walked over to the table and sat down. "Maybe you should go help Jesse check out the safehouses. We can talk latter." Cat said.

"Jesse can handle it for a few minutes. I have a felling you really need to talk now."

Brennan was right. If she didn't tell him what was wrong with her now she might never'do. "About a week after Rev left. I got a call telling me my mother had died. I know that I hadn't had anything to do with her since I was fourteen, but she was my mother. That's one reason I took off the way I did." Cat stopped letting Brennan take in what she told him.

Brennan took Cats other hand in his. "I'm sorry, Cat. I would have gone with you if you had told me." he told her.

Cat smiled at Brennan. "Oh, I could just see that. I wonder who would have killed who. Silver let me know in no uncertain terms I wasn't welcome." Cat said closing her eyes to keep the tears at bay.

"What did Silver do? I mean she already tried to kill you once." Brennan pointed out.

Cat laughed as Rev ran past the kitchen, Jesse behind her. "Maybe you should go check on the safehouses. I promise we'll talk again latter. Besides, I have to finish the pasta." Cat laughed and went to stove.

Brennan walked up behind her pulling her into his arms. Cat winced as his hand hit the wound that still wasn't healed. Brennan pulled up Cat's shirt. The anger was written all over his face. "Adam needs to look at that, Cat. It's not healing, is it?" he asked.

"No, but Adam has enough to worry about. As soon as this is over, I'll let him look at it. " Cat said given Brennan a kiss and pushing him out the door.

Cat touched her side. It was bleeding again. Taking a kitchen towel in her hand, she finished the pasta, and took out the garlic bread. Maybe they could eat.

Cat touched her comring. "Guys, lunch or is it super, is done." Cat set the pasta on the stove to stay warm and walked to her room. By this time, her shirt was covered in blood. Cat tried and changed the bandage, but it wasn't easy. The wound was on her side and even a feral would have a hard time getting to it. She changed her shirt and walked back to the lab. Adam smiled at her. Cat walked over to Angela. "Did you want anything to eat. I could go get it for you." Cat asked.

Angela smiled at Cat. "No, I'm fine Cat, but thank you." the winged feral told her.

Cat turned to leave as Angela grabbed her arm. "You have blood on your pants Cat. What happened?" she asked.

Cat laughed trying to cover up ."Oh I cut myself with a knife." Cat said trying to keep Angela and Adam from finding out the truth.

"Adam, why is it that I don't believe her?" Angela asked Adam.

Adam walked over closer to Cat. "Maybe because ferals aren't likely to cut themselves." Adam said lifting the tail of Cat's shirt. Making the white bandage easy to see.

Angela removed the bandage. "This isn't healing." Something Cat all ready knew. "How long?"

"Three weeks."

Cat had never seen Adam get mad. "You could have gotten an infection. My God, three weeks! Why didn't you say something when you first got home?" he asked Cat.

"Because someone else needs you more than I do. Finding out who killed Allison is more important than my wound." Cat said pulling down her shirt. "Just bandage it again and lets get back to the job that needs to be done." Cat waited for one of them to move to bandage her side. "Fine, I'll do it myself. Oh, and the only other person who knows about this is Brennan. Let's keep it that way. No need worrying anybody else."

Cat walked back by the kitchen. Rev and Jesse were setting at the table eating. "Enjoy you two." she said and headed on to her room.


The ring in Cat's room sounded for the third time, but no answer was coming. Then, the visitor tried the intercom: "Cat, you either open the door or I'll have Jesse phase it so I can come in. Your choice."

The door slid open and the feline stood there, hands on her hips. "You haven't eaten anything the whole day, Angela. Would you go to the kitchen, please?"

"You know, I could eat something, yes. After I'm done with you, that is."

"No need, I can take care of it myself."

"And pigs fly, dear," smiled the bird woman. "I have to be extra careful up there so I won't bump into the darn creatures."

Cat couldn't help herself but laugh. "Ouch!"

"It only hurts when you laugh? I don't think so. My guess is it hurts all the time." Angela closed the door behind her and helped the feline take her shirt off. The wound on Cat's side, just below the ribcage was nasty, but there was no signs of infection. "It needs stitching, but since you've endured it for three weeks now, there is no internal damage. I'll bandage it properly and, after dinner, you'll go straight to the lab, no detours. Either Adam or I will sew you up, OK?" she said, while disinfecting the gash and wrapping the feline in a tight bandage. "Very well, you are good for the next hour or so, and no longer, understood?"

Cat nodded and Angela stood up and turned around, heading to the door. "Angela?" called the feline.

"Yes, dear?"


"You're welcome. And if you need to talk to somebody you have no background history with, know that I'm available. Sometimes its easier to talk to strangers than to friends, you know?"


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