Going Under

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"Messed up?" whispered Revolution as she paced the floor of her room. "I'm messed up?"

Suddenly it was as if the air had been sucked from her room. She grabbed a piece of paper from a notebook on her desk and quickly scribbled a note to Jesse. She walked quickly through the halls, grateful that the others had mostly gone off to dinner. She slipped into the garage and smiled when she saw Shalimar's bike.

"Sorry, Shal," she whispered as she pulled the black helmet over her hair and bending down she placed her com link gently on the ground beside the motorcycle.

"Anyone seen Rev?" asked Jesse as he walked into the kitchen, wiping the sweat from his training session off of his forehead.

"Nope," said Shalimar.

"Go get her," said Mac "That girl never eats."

Jesse nodded and jogged to her door.

"Hey Rev?" he asked pushing it open.

He walked over to her bed and looked down. Picking up the note, he swore under his breath.

She loved it here. High on top of the bridge, she could see the whole city. She took a swig from the bottle of Vodka that she had bought from a bar on her way and laid back on her elbows. Whispers from her past came swimming into her head.

Threw a chair at a teacher...

No good....

Never amount to anything....


She placed her hand to her head and swore loudly.

"What did you say to her?" asked Jesse.

The group looked up at him.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Emma.

"Any of you," he replied "Revolution is gone."

He slammed the note onto the table. Cat picked it up with a shaking hand.

"What does it say?" asked Angela.

Cat handed the letter to Jax.

"It says: Dear jess, I don't really know how to put this, so I guess I'll just say it. I'm leaving, I don't know if I'll be coming back. Your probably wondering why, All I can say is that its nice to know what everyone thinks of me. Love always,Revolution," said Jax.

"What everyone thinks of me?" asked Brennan.

Lux turned an angry eye towards Angela.

"She heard everything you said," she whispered.

"What did you say?" asked Jesse.

Jax looked at him and shook his head.

"Later," She whispered.

"Yes," said Adam "First we must find her."

"I have an idea," whispered Cat "There is this bridge on the edge of town, she told me she goes there to think sometimes."

Jesse nodded.

"I'll come with you," exclaimed Donna.

"Definitely not a good idea," said Lux "Cat, why don't you go with Jesse? you can show him where this bridge is."

"I dunno," said Makenna "She's still a little shaky."

"I'm fine," whispered Cat "I'm just going to get her, not fighting a battle."

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