Cat Scratch

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Cat could hear the loud music pulsing from Revolution's room as she went to retrieve her friend.

"Rev?" she asked.

"Closet!" yelled Revolution.

Cat laughed and walked into to large walk in closet where Revolution sat trying to tie her shoelaces.

"Help?" asked Cat.

"That would be fantastic," replied Revolution placing a bright red sneakered foot in Cat's lap.

"How's your side?" asked Cat apprehensively.

"It hurts," exclaimed Revolution "But what else can you expect from broken ribs?"

Cat flinched.

"Hey..." whispered Revolution "We were doing our job, I aint mad at ya."

She took Cat's hand in her own.

"We are gonna get through this," she said smiling "Now help me up?"

Cat smiled and stood up.

"Hey Angela?" asked Jesse as he jogged to catch up to her.


"She's sorry, She won't say it but she is," said Jesse.

The Feral patted his arm and smiled.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Jax "How 'bout you Benedict Arnold?"

Cat laughed nervously and nodded.


The clinic was enormous.

"You outdid yourself on this one," said Lux.

"Thank you," said Adam "Riley? Would you run a check on the system?"

"Of course," said Revolution setting her dark maroon peacoat on the back of a chair and settling down.

"He never asks me to do stuff like that anymore," said Jesse pretending to pout.

"Frankly, My boy" said Revolution "Its because even Adam knows I'm better than you."

"OUCH!" yelled Brennan.

Cat looked around the clinic, everyone was milling around and to an untrained eye it would look like they were just excited about the new clinic. Lux looked over at her.

Are you ready?

Cat looked at her and nodded.

Everyone, It is time.

Revolution sighed.

"Can I go now?" asked Cat.

"What?" asked Brennan.

"Well...Its obvious that no one wants me around," she replied.

"You BROKE my ribs," said Revolution "what did ya think we'd hold hands and sing songs?"

Jax laughed behind her hand.

"You know what Revolution," Cat said "Ever since you got back from California, you've treated me like I'm stupid."

Revolution rolled her eyes.

"Shut up," she said "As always, you have no clue what your running your mouth about."

Lux laughed.

"What are YOU laughing at?" asked Cat.

"Nothing really, I was just reading Revolution's mind," replied Lux "Now Rev, that wasn't very nice thing to think."

"You know what? This is your fault. Ever since the ALMIGHTY Lux Windsor came here, everything has been different," yelled Cat.

"Well, by the looks of things...I'm thinking it was time for a change." said Lux.

Cat's eyes flashed and she lunged at Lux.

"Cat!" yelled Donna "What the hell are you doing?"

"I've got no problem with you Donna," said Cat "Keep your mouth shut."

Lux lifted a hand and telekinetically tossed Cat away like a rag doll. Jax stood over Cat.

"Listen Kitty," she said "Go near my boss again with less then friendly ideas, and you'll find yourself in traction."

"Ooo...I'm scared. You know Jax, you've been here for a couple of days now and I haven't seen you fight once." said Cat "I don't think your much of a feral."

"Oh and a good feral beats the hell outta her best friend?" asked Jesse.

"Don't you start to," said Cat.

"Oh but why not?" asked Brennan "Rev is Jesse's girl, why shouldn't he defend her?"

"And what about you?" asked Cat "Aren't you supposed to defend me?"

"Not when you're wrong." whispered Brennan.

Cat wiped a tear from her eyes and tilted her chin.

"Ah yes, Bren, I'm wrong. I musta forgotten that you have such a refined moral compass." she said rolling her eyes.

Cat jumped when Adam placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Catherine? I think its best if you left now." he said "We don't wan't you to do something else you'll regret."


Cat grabbed her coat and flounced out of the clinic.

"You okay?" asked Angela.

Brennan looked at her and nodded.

"I just hope she is," he replied.

Lux patted his arm.

"She is, she says good job," whispered the telepath.tyle='texA6wƚ� 

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