Learning to Fly

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Sanctuary, the next morning:

Having not been able to sleep Donna had sneaked into Blair's room and curled under the covers with him and finally was able to sleep after hearing Blair's voice say, "I was hoping that you would come in here sooner or later." She couldn't help smile. Even after remembering what she had said to Cat that night. It made her feel like a heel for what she had said but she knew she had to do it. She also knew that she had to find Cat as soon as she had put herself together to tell her that she was sorry for being so harsh.

She got up and dressed and then put her face on and her hair in a ponytail and then walked into the common room were she found Adam, Brennan, Shalimar, Emma, and Angela talking. The others must have still been asleep, after all it was only seven and they had all had a late night. Donna always lost sleep when she was stressed.

She walked over to were Cat was sitting next to Brennan and said with a sad voice looking down at her feet, "I'm so sorry Cat, I feel bad about what I said last night. I didn't mean what I said, I hope you know that." She then looked up at her friend and was grateful for the smile that she got from Cat.

"You don't need to apologize," Cat laughed then, "I know you were just play acting. Did a fine job too. If I had an Oscar I would give it to you."

"Nice work too, GryphonLady," That was Adam. He preferred to use the nick from the net most of the time

"Did it work?" Donna asked her new leader.

"Like a charm. They contacted The Cat almost immediately after she left the club." Adam answered.

"Adam thought that there might be a telempath in their ranks so it is good that you acted the way that you did to make it more believable." Brennan said to the multi-psionic.

"Great, first Alex Tremayne, then Windbagman, now you think that they have a telempath. It was bad enough knowing that a telecyber is working with them. I think I'm getting sick now." Donna leaned against the wall near Adam. She looked up at Adam and said, "Well until the New Chaos as you call them is thoroughly taken care of you can consider me a full time Mutant X member." the GryphonLady lifted her silver banded finger, " I want them gone."

"I hope that means that you are up to anything that I throw at you to do." Adam said with a huge grin on his face.

"Tell me to jump and I will ask you how high."

"And I will teach her how to fly." Revolution said looking from Adam to Donna.

"Are you kidding? Fly like you do, and Angela too?" Donna looked at the powerful telekinetic.

"Sure, you are just as powerful as I am, I don't see why you couldn't fly like me. We can start as soon as you are ready." Rev said as she stopped beside her fellow psionic.

"Well I have levitated a few inches off the ground a couple of times and sometimes I would wake up floating above my bed. But I never thought about trying to fly. Just never occurred to me to try." Donna was thrilled at the idea of being able to take off like Revolution and her sister hawk. She really loved those few times that Angela had taken her for a flight. Her spirits lifted to the sky.

Adam said as he got up from were he was sitting, "Well that gives the three of you," and he points a finger at Angela, "something to do this morning while we wait for Ntobo to contact Cat."

Angela said finally, "Well, let's go get something to eat so we won't be flying on an empty stomach." She had a doctors tone to her voice. They all did what the good doctor said. Blair had woke up and joined them.

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