Join the Club

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The steps matched her own, but she could hear them clearly. The clap clap of leather soles in the pavement sounded resolute, firm, yet light and nimble. A man's step, echoing like thunder in her ears. The steps followed her without secrecy, no hiding, out in the open. The steps teased her. Until she had enough. Coming to a handy side alleyway, she slowed a bit down, turned in a graceful ballet movement, collared the dark haired guy and pulled him into the darkness. "OK, pal, enough of that. Who are you and what do you want?"

The man had a killer smile that spread little by little through his features, leaving his face crisscrossed with laughter wrinckles and deepened the scar that marked his cheek from his temple to his chin. He said nothing, attempted nothing, just lifted the perfect long-stemmed ruby red rose bud he had in his hand and offered it. He didn't bow, for Cat had him pinned to the side of the building, only his smile was broader.

The Cat let him go and took the rose, a puzzled look on her face. Oh, yes... a few years older, but this was The Man, the New Order leader, the enemy that had three powerful and highly organized groups running from one side to the other, trying to put out all the fires and disasters he spread accross the mutant population.

"I'm Nickolas Lareou."

"And I am..."

"Catherine Scott, feline feral, ex-GSAgent, currently Mutant X operative, and a highly trained assassin and terrorist. I know who you are."

"And I know who you are," the cat shot back. "Sound elemental, ex-con, criminal organization leader and genuine pain in the ass. Your servants have been after me for a while now. What do you want?" And she let go of him.

"To offer you a place where your unique talents can be put to a more proper use," he answered, straightening his crisp white shirt and tucking it back into his designer jeans. "And it is also a place where you'll feel you really belong, where you'll be granted the respect you deserve."

"And that would be with you and your New..." she chuckled, "...Order?"

Nickolas Lareou took the young woman's hand in his, turned it over and kissed her palm deeply. "I'm hungry," he said, unexpectedly. "Care to have lunch with me?" And he gently pulled her out of the darkened alleyway and into the busy city street.


At a very safe distance, four men in two pairs, followed the cat. In each pair, one man, his heightened senses on full alert, both watched and heard all the exchange between the cat and the man their trained eyes immediately recognized as the New Order leader. As the couple left the alleyway, they followed still.


Nickolas Lareou was a man of impecable and expensive tastes. He took Cat to a trendy eatery with a wide veranda and French cuisine. Cat wasn't really used to this kind of laid back elegance, but when the lean blonde in tight black jeans and black tank top entered the restaurant, forks stopped in mid air, eyes turned from plates and women got instantaneously jealous. That was an effect Cat had on regular people Nickolas appreciated immensely.

The maitress d', a fake redhead in a black pant suit, directed them to a table in the middle of the dining room, where the handsome couple could see and be seen. She handed them menus and excused herself with excessive charm.

Nickolas studied the list and flashed his killer smile at Cat. "Can I order for both of us?"

"Sure," she answered.

Now, he studied not the menu, but her. Calling a waiter, he ordered fish and an expensive chardonnay wine to go with it. While they waited for the meal, he started, "I gather you've been having problems with your current... affiliation."

"You seem to know a lot of things."

"Not nearly enough," he answered. "Are you happy with it?"

Cat drew a deep breath and seemed to gather her thoughts, biting her upper lit. "Not of late, no." And she looked away from him, blinking tears off her eyes.

"That bad, huh?" He slowly reached his hand and touched her cheek, still swollen and bruised under her make up and her shades, with the tip of his fingers.

Cat flinched at the touch, but forced herself to relax and accept the caress. "Let's cut to the chase, Lareou. What do you propose?"

He took her hand in his accross the table. "I want you to be with us," he said. "Gabriel Ashlocke was right, we are here to rule. We can bring down every government on the planet, we are unstopable. If we can get rid of the soft-hearted do-gooders such as your Mutant X and the Ring. And those meddling Cascade busybodies, who had nothing to do with us, but chose to stick their fingers where they don't belong. Too bad for them."

"You want to rule the world?" Cat actually laughed.

Lareou's eyes hardened and glinted like fire. "Never make fun of me, Catherine Scott," he hissed between his teeth. "I don't want to rule the world. I will rule the world because I can. And I'll wipe out anyone standing on my way, starting with Adam Kane and Lux Windsor. Now, are you with me or against me?"

Cat was looking at him intensely. "You know, I think you really can. Rule the world, I mean."

"I have two highly trained operatives with offensive power. I need a third to speed up the power shift process. That would be you, Cat. Your training is invaluable to me."

"And what's there for me?" asked Cat. Greed was one thing this man understood.

"For starters, revenge. How about it?"

"Tempting. What else?"

"You'll be richly rewarded, never fear," he assured. "I got word Makenna and Zack Coniglario are coming here."

"Yes, she'll take the clinic over so Angela Fontenelle can take Allison Turner's job." Cat answered. "I should be helping set up a little welcoming gathering for them tomorrow, but tempers are very short lately."

"Tomorrow, eh?" he mused. "Interesting..." He seemed to brighten up suddenly. "I'll give you a join up present. How would you like it?"

"Depends on the present," she answered warily.

"It's a surprise," he answered. The waiter arrived with their order. "Bon appetit, Catherine la chat. Enjoy your meal."

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