Touching the Flames

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Cascade, Washington 7:00 pm

Blair and Donna were driving down the road after a wonderful dinner together. They had been engaged for a month now and were in high spirits. Though Donna did have a tinny twinge in the back of her heart that something was wrong. She could feel a small ghost of grief but she couldn't pinpoint it. She was still having a time reining in her increasing telekinetic ability and trying to have some fun at the same time. She knew that she was doing a good job at both because she was having fun and nothing "weird" happened during the whole dinner. Now they were off to see the Lord Of The Dance. Donna had already seen it a few years ago and wanted to see it again and Blair amazingly enough had not seen it yet. It was going to be fun to see his reaction to this one.

Three hours later after the show:

"Wow! THAT WAS ONE GREAT SHOW!!!" the anthropologist said to his soon to be wife.

Donna hugged against her soon to be husband and smiled. "I knew that you would like it! Couldn't you feel the energy when the music was playing and they were on stage doing their numbers? You don't have to be a psionic to feel that do you?"

"Oh no, you couldn't help but feel it. Man! That was SO cool!"

Suddenly the female anthropologist and linguist stopped in her tracks. She could feel another mind reaching out for her in fear. Donna takes off into a run towards Blair's car and gets into the drivers seat. Blair gets into the car after her. "What? What?"

"I just heard Carla in my mind." Carla Johnson was a fellow psionic new mutant who lived in Cascade and Donna and her had become friends after the whole Foundation incident. "She's in trouble Blair!" Donna reaches down with her hand and starts the car with her telekinesis forgoing putting her seat belt on as Blair is struggling with his.

Donna speeds around the corner and then picks up more speed as she barrels down the street. She is in telempathic contact with Carla and is able to sus out her location with her mind.

Down one block and then the other, going over bumps and baby pot holes Donna's mind is so focused on getting to Carla that she ignores the bouncing that she is causing and the fact that Blair's head is hitting the roof of the car. "DONNA! You are worse that Jim!"

"Sorry about that one honey but I can't help it." Blair's complaint reached her ears. She then reached out her telekinesis to brace Blair in his seat. "There you go, sweetie."

"Thanks, Donna."

"Any time."

All of the sudden the young psionic new mutant stomped her foot on the breaks and because she was holding her fiancé with her mind he didn't shoot through the windshield. "There. She is in there." Donna gets out of the car and Blair is behind her. "No! You stay here. I don't want whatever is going on to hurt you."

"No way man, I am not letting you go in there alone Donna!" Donna felt that his mind was set.

"Sorry honey but you have no choice in the matter." She throws a psi blast and he is frozen in place. She kisses him on the cheek and says, "You will snap out of it when you see me coming out of the building with Carla.

Donna races off to the building that she feels Carla in. It is a factory that builds airplane parts as Carla had told Donna once. Donna inters the building and smells a weird smoky scent. "Carla! Sweetie where are you?!" She then hears her psionic friends cries.

"Donna help us!"

"Where are you?"

"My boss and I are trapped in his office. There are strange flames surrounding us. HELP!" Carla paths.

"Help's on the way."

Donna races to where Carla and her boss are and with all of her telekinesis to smother the blue flames and after exhausting all the power she had in her was able to snuff out the fire. She collapses to the floor for a minute and then after some help from Carla and the Japanese man who was her boss help her to her feet.

"I have never seen anything like that before." Said the man.

"Donna! Thank God you came. I thought we were toast, literally."

Coughing Donna says, "That's what I'm here for." And then she waves her Com-Linked finger at Carla.

Carla laughs and says, "Naw, you're just the heroic type girl."

"Let's get out of here and call the police." Donna says.

"That sounds like a good idea young lady." Carla's boss says. "Sorry about my manners," and he holds out his hand and Donna takes it, "I am Carla's boss, Cary Tanaka. You are in my debt my dear."

"My pleasure sir." Donna says in Japanese and Mr. Tanaka looks amazed.

"You speak Japanese. I am impressed." he says in his native tongue.

Carla says smiling, "Donna is a linguist at Rainier University. She speaks many tongues Mr. Tanaka."

"Well now I know were to come to if I need a translator." They laugh and leave the building.

Blair sees Donna and Carla with the Japanese man and snaps out of the trance that Donna placed him in. He comes up to Donna and says in her ear, "You're bad you know that?"

"Oh yeah, I'm really bad." She kisses him on the cheek. "Blair Sandburgh, Mr. Cary Tanaka. Mr. Tanaka, this is my fiancé."

They both bow at each other, "Congratulations Mr. Sandburgh. You will be marrying a hero."

"I already know that Mr. Tanaka." Blair says smiling and then he looks at Donna, "Don't ever do that again!"

"What was I supposed to do?" and they walk to Blair's car. Donna calls the police and they are on there way. She then goes to the side and contacts Sanctuary.


"Yeah?" Adam answers.

"Hey Addy," Donna uses the nickname that her soon to be father-in-law MacGyver has for her Mutant X leader."


"Yeah it's me. I just had the feeling that you should know this. I was out with Blair tonight and I got a hit from Carla so I went to see what was up. She and her boss a Mr. Cary Tanaka were in a fire at the airplane parts factory that she works at as his secretary and I managed to get them out. Man this one was a hottie. I mean the flames were blue and it took every ounce of telekinesis that I had to suffocate it. I never had such a time putting a fire out before. These flames were super hot!"

"Sounds like something that were are on right now. Donna, listen to me. I want you to get Carla and her boss to a safe house and keep them under guard. Don't let anyone but one of us in. Understood?"

"Yes sir! We're on our way."

"And Donna?"

"Yeah Adam?"

"Don't call me "Addy"."

Donna giggles and turns off her ring. "Let's go. I know a place were we can go and be safe. Don't worry Mr. Tanaka, everything will be alright." Donna, Blair, Carla, and Mr. Tanaka get into Blair's car Donna at the wheel again and she takes them to the safe house.

"What is this place?" Mr. Tanaka says.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Carla says.

into view. �W6wЈ� 

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