She is Like the Rain

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She loved rain, Harry used to tell her that it fit her personality.

"Sometimes gentle and warm, other times hard and cold," he whispered "But always beautiful."

"That's the closest thing that @#%$ ever said that was a compliment," she said swigging the vodka and swinging her legs back and forth on the bridge.

Harry, Harry, Harry, she thought, you were a horrible ass. So pompous and self centered.

"'re dead," she said showing her middle finger to the ground where she imagined him to reside.

"Riley!!" Called a voice from below.

She was startled and looked down.

"Harry?" she called.

"No...It's me, Cat." yelled the voice.

"Cat...Hey Cat!" yelled Revolution as the bottle slipped from her grasp "Ah Hell! Heads Up!"

She raised her hands and clumsily tried to stop the bottle's mad descent.

"Oww!!!" yelled Jesse as the bottle landed on his foot.


"Hi Babe," he called.


"Hey kiddo," yelled Cat "Why don't you come down?"

"Why don't you come up?" she asked.

"We can't!" yelled Jesse "No ladder."

She stood.

"Too bad!" she yelled "You should see the rain from up here!!"

She swung her arms around her and twirled in a circle.

"What are you doing!" yelled Jesse "You're going to fall!"

"I'm telekinetic! Remember? I'll catch myself!!" she yelled giggling.

"Come on Rev!" yelled Cat "Come Down! Let us take you home!"

"Home?" she yelled "Where's that?"

"With us!" yelled Jesse "Sanctuary! Where we all love you!"

She floated down to them.

Jesse was shocked to see her appearance. She had abandoned her leather coat and the striped tank top that had once been very stylish now clung to her body, The same with the bell bottom jeans. Her hair clung to her face, her lips were a slight blue shade.

"Do you love me?" she asked.

He pushed his wet hair out of his face and nodded.

"Then let me go," she whispered walking away.

He ran after her and grabbed her arm. An action that on better days, he'd know better.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"I don't belong with Mutant X," she whispered.

He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and forced her to look at him.


"When we went up against the new order," she began leaning up against the bridge's rails "And me and Donna went to help Lux save Adam. I could feel Treymane's life being drained out of him."

"Honey, Treymane would have killed Adam," he whispered "You know that."

"I know," she said "But I've done so many things in my life that I'm not proud of."

He cupped the side of her face and she leaned into his hand.

"Love, I know all that you've done," he said.

She nodded. They spent a lot of time together, she would tell him stories of the things she's done and the people's she's met.

"No matter what you may think, you are a wonderful girl. You are smart as hell and compassionate, you have an amazing heart and if you leave...I'm coming with you." he said.

She smiled.

"You would?"

"And so would I," said Cat "Us against the world, right kid?"

Revolution smiled for the first time in a long time and nodded.

Cat swallowed hard and waited for her to say something.

"I'm not gonna leave," whispered Revolution "What would Sparky say?"

Cat laughed.

Lux paced the back bedroom of Sanctuary which she shared with Jax.

"Did you tell them what Angela said?" asked Jax as she walked in.

"I told Cat," replied Lux "I thought she deserved to know."

"Were you eavesdropping on her mind?" asked Jax.

Lux's dark eyes clouded immediately and Jax regretted saying it.

"How dare you," she whispered "You know that I don't eavesdrop. I only found out about Angela's low opinion of Revolution when I scanned for Her. It was echoing in her brain, along with all of the other comments that have been made to her."

"Angela is in a bad place right now," said Jax quietly.

"Of this, I am well aware of," said Lux, her voice getting very quiet "You forget old friend, it was my ability that couldn't save her eye sight."

Jax winced, she could almost feel the guilt flow from her boss.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"I know."

And with that Lux walked away.

"Smart move, McManus," said Jax.

Jesse looked back at Cat, who had Revolution's head in her lap.

"She gonna be all right?" he asked.

"She'll be fine," replied the older woman "She's just wasted. Gonna have one hell of a hangover though."

"I still don't understand why she left," he whispered.

"I'll tell you some other time or she'll tell you," said Cat looking down at the sleeping Rev "That'd probably be better."

He nodded.

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