Clash of Titans Part 2

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Two glowing bodies floated in cyberspace, their movements in slow motion were a deadly dance that sent sparks and fireflies all over the information highway every time they connected. A kick from the slant eyed digicyber sent a weakened Donna Gryphon against the strands of light running behind her and only her telekinetic power could stop her from disappearing into the depths of the system. Flying back on determination only, the multi-psionic slammed against the digicyber making her body crash against the motherboard. To Donna's horror, the Oriental mutant seized the chance to slam her fist against the return key, but her arm passed all the way through the board as it flickered and blurred. The Japanese woman retrieved her hand fast and looked up to Donna in total confusion. The board seemed to be pulled out of the system, disappearing before their very eyes. Donna jumped in action and grabbed the digicyber's arm and twisting it, the sole of her boot found Yukio's back and pushed hard. With a round kick of her right foot, Donna knocked the New Order operative out and her glowing body dissolved through the circuits and lead lights covering the bright cybernetic world. Sinking to her knees, Donna Gryphon let her cyberbody dissolve back into her solid form on top of the building. Her exhausted body slid to the side and her limp hand let go of the now blank palmtop.


"Good, now mass the tip of the pincers just a little, around the chip," instructed MacGyver.

"I can feel it." Jesse Kilmartin's brow was covered in sweat, his concentration unwavering. This was precision work, extremely dangerous. One mistake and they'd be history. First Donna, now this. Tough day at the office.

"Now, phase it and pull the chip out. Slowly."

"I did the same thing fifteen minutes ago, with Angela." And Jesse pulled out a tiny round black dot, the size of the head of a pin, from inside the palmtop. The screen went blank and he blew out the breath he was holding inside.


The ground was shaking under their feet, rain poured relentlessly from the overcast sky. The Alliance fought with valour but the tips were favoring their foes. It was necessary to cut Bree Williams connection to earth, put her out of comission. Leaping over Brennan's still unconscious body, Adam slammed his feet against Bree's chest, sending her sprawling against the hospital's front steps. For a moment, the earth stopped it's tremor and Adam straddled the stunned terraformer. Pinning her shoulder to the steps, he lifted his right hand to strike a blow that would have knocked the elemental out. A man's hand grabbed Adam's and jerked him back up to his feet. "I should have killed you when I had the chance, Adam Kane," growled a triumphant Alex Tremayne. "Time to correct my mistake." And a violet light enveloped the older man, glowing darker by the second.

From violet to purple to black, the sickening light of Tremayne's power shot from their locked hands to dominate and surround the man in black's whole body. Adam felt his knees buckle under him, his sight blurr as his body temperature skyrocketed. The renegade molecular drove the full force of his deadly power, turning whatever microorganisms Adam Kane might naturally carry in his body into lethal carriers of unrelenting death, congesting lungs, infesting blood, infecting membrane and killing his victim of natural causes. Want to stop an army? Stop the general. And this one was dead already.

From her perch up the building, Angela saw her falconer attacked and protective instinct took her over. Diving down, talons first, she aimed at Tremayne, ready to rip his face off. "Get the harpy!" shouted Lareou. A ball of fire hurled by the Sikh hit the bird woman directly in the face, sending her tumbling backwards until she hit the pavement.


MacGyver and Jesse ran from one corner to the other of the clinic disconnecting cameras full of plastic explosive. Havind disabled the main trigger, the other units weren't that hard to disengage.


He was dying. With his feverish eyes, he saw his allies fighting for their lives. The reptillian Zack Coniglario slaming a lizard feral against the small Pandiat Singh, knocking the Sikh off his feat and stopping the balls of fire from flying around; Shalimar tackling two ferals at once, punching and kicking like a she-devil; Jax, the lioness, rolling and sweeping Lareou's feet from under him, Brennan standing up and backhanding one of Shal's attackers. He was dying and his legacy with him. The New Order would dominate all mutants without Mutant X and the Ring to stop it. Mankind wouldn't stand a chance against a highly organized gang of renegade superpowered beings. His labored breath came in gasps, bringing a taste of blood to his mouth. The grip on his right hand was like a vise, burning and robbing him of whatever strength he still had. He was dying. He reached with his left hand, trying to grab something, anything that he might use to pull himself out of Alex Tremayne's killing grip.

The hand that held his was cool and soft, yet strong and firm, infusing his ailing body with a refreshing shot of white light. In a superhuman effort, he turned his head to the source of relief. "Lux..." he whispered.

Lux Windsor had Adam by the hand and poured all her healing power into him, seeking to drive Alex's black light back to the renegade mutant. The killer and the healer looked each other in the eye, a tug-of-war over the fate of the man who unwittingly created mutantkind, and now was a mere pawn in the struggle for his own life and the future of the whole world. Without him, Lux would be alone, the only force to block Lareou's power crazy march over the planet. Adam would not die, she wouldn't let him. There was much to be done, and she needed him. Tapping into the well of her own life force, drawing strength from her very soul, Lux Windsor pushed her white light against Alex's blackness.

As the tug-of-war raged over him, Adam looked around, alternatingly through dark and white light. The fight was almost over, those who remained standing from the two bands stopping to watch the combat between light and darkness. The winner of that clash would triumph that day. Only the most strange of battles still went on in full force. He thought he was surely delirious... That couldn't be... He was either hallucinating or altogether losing his mind... A wolf, a jaguar, a tiger and a hawk were attacking a forest of living, howling trees... From the right corner of his eyes, he saw a fox coming out of the hospital, his hospital and lunge at the moving trees, tipping the battle's odds in favor of the animals. Not ferals... animals... Painfully, he turned his head in Lux's direction and saw an owl flapping it's wings over her head, hooting angrily and showing its talons to Alex Tremayne.

Lux herself was sinking to her knees, her life force drained, her white light dimming and running back into her body, chased by the black light emanating from Tremayne, who laughed out loud, anticipating the glory of singlehandedly killing both Adam Kane and Lux Windsor.

Coming back to reality, Revolution and Donna Gryphon took in the situation. The fight was at a standstill, both the Alliance and the New Order were holding their breaths, waiting for the outcome of the tug-of-war between Lux and Tremayne, and Lux was losing, her light fading fast. With no time to think, both telekinetics floated to the healer's side and joined hands with her, adding their life force to fuel hers and using their power to push Tremayne's back. Lux Windsor's head snapped up and she came back to her feet, as three hands were clasped together in their own version of the power of a triad, the two additions to the white light side feeding their living energy to the healer. The Alliance's remaining forces fell back around their leaders in a protective circle. No one else would interfere. Come what may, this battle would be fought to the end.

The bright white light now blazed, dazzling and pushing the black light through Adam's body back into the stunned Tremayne, now incapable of resisting the power of the psionic molecular healer aided by the two telekinetics. Shining ever more brightly, a pool of white light surrounded the three women and forced all the blackness into Tremayne's body in a rush of energy that exploded in a heart piercing scream as the owl plunged its talons into the renegade's chest, making his body fall flat on his back, eyes open and dead.

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