Alas, Babylon

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Author's Note: Quotes from Alas Babylon aren't mine. They come from a wide assortment of inspiring people.

Dear journal,

As cliche as this may sound, today really did begin like a normal day. Well, a normal day for a group of mutant superheroes, but that's besides the point. Everything changed today when Max decided to go home.


"Lux?" whispered Emma as she gently touched Lux's elbow "Do you need help going back to your room?"

For the first time in her life, Lux Windsor felt ill. She shook her head in hopes that the fog would lift from her brain.

"Yeah Em," she replied tucking Emma's hand in her arm "That would be great."

The two psionics tilted their heads together and walked slowly.

"Is she going to be all right?" asked Revolution as she stood arm in arm with Jesse outside the lab.

Adam looked at the young couple and smiled.

"Emma is going to stay with her for a while," he replied "Then Jax will be back from wherever she and Angela flew off to and she'll help Lux recover."

Jesse kissed Revolution's hair and smiled gently.

"You worry too much," he whispered.

She laughed.

"I worry too much?"

Jesse laughed and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go see what Max is up to," he said.

"All right," she exclaimed "But then we will have a rematch at that damn computer game."

"Revolution! watch your language!" scolded Donna as she walked slowly from the lab.

Revolution rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say Flygirl," she said under her breath.

"I heard that."

"S'pose to."

"I'm going home," announced Max as soon as they walked into the room he had been staying in.

"Why?" asked Revolution as she flopped down on the bed beside him.

"Something is wrong," he replied "I can feel it. Its as if something inside me has been disconnected."

She could see it now, the slight pale cast to the Boy from California's tan face and the glazed look in his expressive eyes.

"You want me to get Lux?" asked Jesse.


They both looked at him confused.

"Listen, Lou has been through a lot with helping Dr.Kane with the surgery on Dr. Fontenelle's eyes and I don't want her to worry if I'm just being paranoid," Max whispered his eyes darting back in forth between them and the small laptop that sat on the bed beside Revolution.

Revolution nodded.

"Right then" she exclaimed "To the lab. We'll beam you back and then you can tell us what's what."

He smiled and nodded.

Emma was overcome by the emotions that radiated from Lux as she slept. Fear, Grief but most of all anger, rolled off the young leader in waves. An anger so pure Emma nearly choked on it's intensity.

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