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| Ethan's POV |

Today's the final day of my science project with my partner Shay. I fumbled between wanting to go home or pretended I wasn't here for that even mattered. My heart pondered as my chest fluctuates rapidly, it could be that I was nervous and why ? I sat uncomfortable next to shay with twenty or more students. The last time we've seen each other was awakened but eventually I've got over that anyway. I knew she'd like me but maybe she's not that interested as I am in her.

Shay was dress fashionable cute today with her floral dress that suck tight on her body showing every God damn curves leaving more imagination to the mind for guys. Her pony tail bounce freely with her new hair color that stood out as well. I guess she was more ready than I am for this presentation.

" Up next is Ethan Wright and Shay Lucette " said the professor

I quickly rose to my feet shuffling in between the chair and the table trying to make my way up the platform

" Are you alright ?" Shay whispered I figure it didn't take rocket science to know how nervous I am either.

" I guess so, are you ?" I whispered back

" Ethan and Shay please " the teacher repeated as we made our way down with few of our equipments and poster board in front of the class.

I cleared my throat looking back at Shay as she shot me another look to go ahead.

" Well., ( clears throat ) today we'll be presenting our project that my beautiful partner and I- " just then the class started laughing. How stupid I've become and what was I even thinking of using that word.

" am I doing something wrong ?" I looked at Shay

" No I don't think so ?" She whispered with a smirk on her face

" Ok class enough" said the professor who also turned to look at us " Continue " she insisted

" in order for us to find what we are looking for, shay and I did few incite researching and taking notes. Here's what we found "

" The earth is older than two thousand years old to be exactly however with time and you know new things that's now on earth ; What we actually found, is that the soil is no longer its originate form but it still has few of its natural resources t...

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" The earth is older than two thousand years old to be exactly however with time and you know new things that's now on earth ; What we actually found, is that the soil is no longer its originate form but it still has few of its natural resources to this date" shay spoke openly.

I was taken by surprise of how well she's doing by her speech which brought me back to the presentation that we were doing.

" Today we have an example to show you all. As you can see we got about two liter of big empty bottles cutting each at a half semi circle adding not only dirt but soil. " she continued looking back at me to continue.

After about fifteen minutes, I would have to say I am truly proud of myself. It actually went smoother than I thought it would be except for that little embarrassment of calling shay beautiful in front the whole class. I still didn't get why they were laughing but either way I felt i did tremendously good about this project.

| Shay's POV |

That moment Ethan called me beautiful in front the whole class made me realize he couldn't help but fall for me, it was more than shocking but also cute in it's way. Our project was finally over and so was our presentation. Next was just the waiting part to see if we made the credit or not and to be honest I felt like we did actually pass.

Now that it's over, I guess I'll no longer be around Ethan as how I used to be just when we met and since we only working together which what brought us together closer than ever I felt the unravel sudden feeling over me.

Maybe his brother could be a little more gangsta to the side with his flirtatious flares but Ethan was more of the gently Eric who would do just about anything for that special someone. I scrambled just to put everything in my bag not saying a word. I bet he'd feel some time of way too knowing this would probably be our last time being around each other. It had to be since the campus has around 3,000 people or more.

" Well umm I guess I see you around then !" He cracked a smile.

" I guess " and just like that we both went our separate ways. Part of me want to cry and begged him to stay and another part of me wanted to be a bitch about it and grow the fuck up and move on. Not many people I interfere with doing projects has have an effect on me except Ethan. He was the type of dude I was just looking for and there he goes.

| Eric POV |

It had to be around mid day as I openly look over on my watch thinking . I sat impatiently at my nigga crib waiting for his ass in my impala bobbing to some Music. Long after dre finally showed up so I hopped right out my car closing it from behind then walking into his house.

I decided to skip school today, shit I ain't feeling like no college boy especially since I've cheated to get my grades up.

" wassup " I dabbed dre'S hand then doing a little hand shake.

" just chilling, you feel me ?" He replied taking out a 40 for both of us.

" the others coming or it's just us this time around ?" I asked opening the bottle top then gulping down my 40.

" They should be here in a minute" he replied just then cube and the others walked right into the kitchen where me and dre was standing.

" Finally y'all pussies decided to make it " I smiled at each and everyone of them.

" Yo cube how did it go with that girl you was telling us about " Yella asked. Just then cube smacked his lips hissing in frustration.

" Don't tell me you didn't get the pussy man ?" Ren questioned.

" Man shut the fuck up" cube clapped back.

Within minutes we all busted out laughing, knowing he wasn't going to get shit especially if his girlfriend was around town anyway.

The room quiet down a bit as we all awkwardly gaze away. I didn't say much today cause I didn't feel like talking but just to observe.

" I think we should umm start a group " dre mumbled

" a group with who ?" yella asked

" With us " dre rested his lean body on the kitchen sink.

" I don't know about that man " I finally spoke up. I ain't never been in a group nor ever touch any form equipments either to do those shit.

" trust me, I think we'd good if we focus" dre implied

" Sounds good to me " yella shrugged sitting on a chair while resting his elbow over the back of the chair.

" I don't know man " I lingered my words.

" Just try it out man and if you don't like it then you know " said cube

" Yeah just try it " Ren came in filling cubes words in my ears.

After much thinking I decided to give it a shot. There's nothing to lose anyway.

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