Chapter 1

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Chapter Song Inspiration: Stranger in a Strange Land by 30 Seconds to Mars    

"Did you hear?" Sakura exclaimed. There was a poster clutched in her hands tightly as the young woman jumped up and down in excitement.

"I know!" Ino squealed. She was just as excited with a similar object in her grasp.

Shikamaru sighed in annoyance, lazily glancing away as he tried to block out their troublesome chatter. "What are they so excited about?" Kiba questioned, joining the group. "They're usually at each other's throats."

"It has something to do with someone coming to Kohana," Choji answered. The young man was chopping nosily on some chips.

The ninja cocked an eyebrow in interest. "Are they important? Someone we know?"

Sakura and Ino turned on the three comrades, hands on their hips. "How could you possibly not know?" Ino asked. "It's only been the talk all over the Village."

"Kadence Edo," Sakura spoke when the boys didn't answer. Clearly they were oblivious and held out the poster for them to see. "The most famous singer in all of the Villages."

"Hard to image she's our age and has that much talent." Ino turned, looking over at Sakura. "She's been performing since we've graduated the Academy."

"She has an amazing voice," Hinata's soft voice came from behind Kiba.

"Oh, you know about her too, Hinata?" the young man questioned. The teammate nodded in response.

"She's from the Sound, its no wonder she has a voice," Sakura added.

"Don't we have strained relations with the Sound?" Shikamaru questioned.

"Well, yeah, but I think Lady Hokage is trying to reason with them. Having Kadence come to our Village will hopefully show we're willing to open negotiations with them on a Peace Treaty."

"Why wouldn't they do that with a delegate from the Village itself?" Kiba asked.

"If you're so curious, then why don't you ask the Hokage herself?" Ino shot back.

"Hey guys!" The group turned, watching as Naruto ran up. "Sakura! Did you manage to find a poster?"

"Got it right here, Naruto," his partner answered.

"Great! Anyone up for ramen?"

The teams walked through the streets, passing the workers who were building a stage in the large courtyard. "Whoa, it's huge!" Kiba exclaimed.

"I heard that Kadence has some kind of equipment that needs a special set up," Choji said. "My mom saw her perform a while back when visiting the Land of Waves."

"Equipment?" Naruto asked. "Like what?"

"No idea. It's a work of art though by the looks of it from. It's just as my mom described it as."

"Troublesome," Shikamaru grumbled. "It's taking up the entire courtyard."

"Lighten up," Ino spoke. "She's coming tomorrow and in no time it'll be taken down. I just hope we manage to get an autograph."

"Same here," Sakura smiled.


"Mic check is a go!"

"Welcome everyone!" a voice came over the speakers. "The show will begin in ten minutes!"

People were rushing around backstage, being sure everything was in position. "You're hooked up," a man said. Pushing a button on the microphone he handed it over to the performer. "The signatures are reading, everything is set." The older teen only nodded, causing him to sigh. "Try and have fun. Please."

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