Chapter 25

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Chapter Song Inspiration: A Modern Myth by 30 Seconds to Mars

"Holy shit..." Kiba breathed. The ninja were unsure if they should approach. The singer's senses could still be heighted and may attack them if thinking they were the enemy. Neither wished to take that chance watching as the chakra began to slowly disappear around her.

And then Emi collapsed.

"Emi!" The Inuzuka was the first to rush forward with Akamaru and Sakura at his heels. The sight nearly made them sick noticing the torn apart arm and the blood that seemed to be never ending flowing from the chest. "Do something!" he barked. It broke Sakura from her shock, immediately bending down and making eye contact with the older teen, who suddenly noticed their presence.

"You're going to be okay, just hold on," Sakura spoke quickly, ripping her sleeve to try and wrap up the arm and hold it together.

"I-I'm fine," she stuttered out, shaky hands trying to push away the healer. But there was fear in her eyes.

"You're lying through your teeth once again," Kiba grumbled, resting Emi's head and shoulders on his bent legs. "Just shut up and let us help for once." Glancing around he realized how far they were from the wall. "What the hell are you doing all the way over here?"

"EMI!" She had no time to answer as they turned to watch Naruto race towards them in a panic. There was so much blood. But when he saw that she was alive he didn't have to question who the corpse had been. Dropping to her side the young man took her good hand in his ignoring the blood that coated the skin from when it pulled free the kunai. "How...?"

"Now's not the time for answers," Kiba stated. "Sakura, what do you need?"

The medical ninja directed the two of them as those still in the Hokage building watched on from the balcony. They were stunned, confused, and tried to wrap their heads around the fact that the person who fell out the window was not their leader.

"Where the hell is the Hokage?" Ibiki roared.

The young men waited with baited breath as Sakura continued her evaluation of the singer, whose grip on Naruto's hand never wavered. She was beginning to tremble though, and the skin was growing cold.

"This isn't good," Sakura spoke up. "She pulled out the kunai. If it was still in there was a chance to control the bleeding... But it's been too long."

"What are you saying?" the Chuunin questioned.

The ninja stopped her ministration, looking at her teammate sadly. "You have little time left."

It felt like something slammed into his body and took away all the oxygen in his lungs looking at the medical ninja horrified. He didn't even hear Kiba swear under his breath, but the Inuzuka's grip on the wrapping around the destroyed arm remained. The teen's lower lip shook, giving off a shuttering breath, yet at the same time she knew. Sakura had been taking too long and the extent of the damage coped with the fact that her chakra was running so low from the strain of keeping up the act there was no way for her to pull through this. And it was something Emi had come to accept in her final moments facing against Brutus. That she didn't care if she died, as long as it was to protect Konoha from a cruel dictator that threatened their livelihood.

"No..." Naruto finally croaked out. "No! NO! KEEP TRYING!"

"Naruto..." Emi weakly spoke, but was ignored.

"You're the most skilled medical ninja in the Village! Heal her!"

"That's the Hokage!" Sakura snapped.

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