Chapter 2

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"I'm going to get right to the point," Ibiki said. Kadence was sitting in the interrogation room, the man standing in front of the table between them. "What was that stunt you pulled in the courtyard? And think of your answer carefully. If I don't deem it to be appropriate I'll force the truth out of you."

Tsunade stood on the other side of the one-way window, along with half of the ANBU forces, as well as Jounin and Chuunin. They weren't taking any chances with what they were possibly faced with. The right information was crucial in this stage of the game. The Leaf would have to act, and soon if needed. If what was shown on those screens was indeed true.

"There's no need to use violence..." Kadence spoke up. Her eyes locked with Ibiki, not afraid to meet his intimidating gaze. They looked dead, an open abyss that held nothing. Empty. "I'll gladly tell you everything. I only ask that I do not go back, and for my crew to be released and unharmed."

"That depends on how they'll respond. They too require a full investigation." She nodded in response. "You're from the Sound, correct?"


"Born and raised there?"


"Why did you come to Konoha?"

"At first... to perform. That's what the crew and I had planned on. It was going to be a simple concert and then I was going to stay for the time being until the summit that was to take place between the Hokage and delegates from the Sound. To further our growing relations..."

"That little stunt back there was a last minute decision then, I take it?" She nodded. "You really expect me to believe that?"

"My father is a ninja, sir. Your attempts at frightening me will not work... and they are not needed. I already said I would tell you everything." Ibiki stayed quiet, however, his hard gaze never wavered. "I am a Chuunin among the ninja back home, and I clearly made it known I wanted it to stay that way. I've also been performing before that title was even given to me. My father wanted to make sure I could protect myself if any attack was made against me."

"What is your relationship with him?"

There was a spark of emotion in her eyes. "I hate him," she seethed. "It's because of him that the Sound will destroy all remaining ties it has with the Leaf Village. And every other Kage Village for that matter." Everyone was on edge, listening.

"What are you talking about?"

"Before coming to Konoha I heard my father talking with the head ninjas'. They plan on ambushing the Leaf to gain control over the land for themselves. Why, I don't know for sure, but they plan on finishing what Orochimaru did not."

"You know of him?"

"His name gets around..."

"Are you sure he's not the one leading all of this?"

"From our latest reports he is believed to be dead... though if that snake was in hiding and ends up being the mastermind behind this it would not surprise me. However, my father planned on using me to break down the front lines and destroy the gates."

"You can do that?" Ibiki asked, interested.

"I'm sure you noticed that my last song was not like the others. Granted the whole display was still linked to picking up on my vocals, but that one was on a whole other level. My chakra and voice are connected, so I can channel my energy through my vocal chords. Build up enough chakra and it can amplify into sonic waves, and control the devices I have created."

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