Chapter 19

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The Village would burn and the streets would flow with innocent blood. That much Emi knew for certain, watching as the latest victims to her Genjutsu began to pull themselves free. This batch had done rather well, having been able to move about and no longer feeling the terror that seemed to paralyze them when the inky darkness crept in all around them. That side effect would never change. It was her world and it would forever plague their minds until released. Though if they could manage to look past the frightening images of their own nightmares and dark intentions the Konoha ninjas could see the enemy right in front of them, while they were trapped and easy to kill.

She was doing better herself, now able to stay standing. Her voice was growing stronger as well, which pleased the singer greatly. Though the days were moving by too quickly for her liking, and the hour of the supposed treaty was drawing near. The only word that had been heard of from the Sound was they looked forward to their meeting and forming a peace between the lands. But Emi could see right through the message. He would come to their doorsteps with an army, thinking them blind. However, they had to be the ones to catch their enemy off guard. A plan had already been devised, much to Naruto's annoyance as to where it placed him at the moment the enemy would attack, and though the Hokage and Ibiki were taking the matter seriously she still felt that they weren't listening. They needed more than guards to protect the woman. Though Ibiki didn't seem to think so, damn his stubborn behavior. Tsunade would be killed.

Knuckles lightly tapped the side of Emi's skull, glancing over in mild surprise at the contact only to find Naruto. How could she have forgotten he was there? The ninja was the most advance over everyone, sitting in on nearly ever session when the Hokage allowed it. The young man had grown used to it. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine."

Though she knew he knew she was nervous. About everything. Even during their normal training in the fields the ninja could see it. Letting it go, Naruto kissed the side of her head tenderly since they were now alone in the room. She was not one for a public display of affections, he could understand that, but the young man enjoyed small moments such as this that they came to share when not surrounded by the walls of his apartment. Though he suspected Sakura knew something was going on between the two of them based on the look in her eyes as she watched them whenever Team 7 gathered. That was most likely because the singer would stand closer to him now more often, no longer concerned since the night of his confession about keeping her distance.



Emi was surprised when he took her somewhere else beside the ramen place he loved so much. Naruto only grinned when seeing the look on her face. "Something different," he shrugged. "You're probably sick of eating noodles. It's an acquired taste for some."

Actually, the older teen did not mind. In the Sound she had never had it before and quite enjoyed the taste and many flavors to choose from. Though she was not as crazy about it as Naruto was, of course. Emi then realized she was staring, causing her cheeks to tinge pink and the ninja to smirk. "What is it?"

"Your tailed beast... I don't know much about him. Only stories that are lies to evoke fear. Can you tell me more about him?"

The young man grinned at the thought that she was interested in such a thing as their dinner appeared before them. "Of course. What do you want to know?"

Everything. She was intrigued as they talked for hours, the last to leave the establishment and their conversation continue through the streets and back at his apartment where they changed into their pajamas and sat on his bed until it was late.


Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock was winding down and every day dread continued to fill the singer. A bird had found Naruto's window when she was making his bed one morning. Lucky for her he was with Kiba discussing final battle plans with Shikamaru. There was a note attached to its leg and hesitantly, Emi removed the item and unrolled it.

I don't believe you are dead.

Her blood ran cold, eyes growing wide. In an instant before the bird could leave she picked up Naruto's kunai on the small table and stabbed it through its chest, killing it. This animal would have left to return before finishing this letter, and if there was not a piece of parchment attached then he would know. Otherwise the bird would have continued to fly on in search of her, even if it came up empty handed, the creature would not give up until its death.

But I trust my men, even if you think you can outwit them. If you are then my only wish was to still see you alive in order to make you watch them all burn, you traitorous harpy. Yes, I know you looked through my files. I have my spies. Which is why I chose to be rid of you. I only wish I could have killed you myself. This was only to be sure my suspicious were only paranoia. In your miserable death know that the time has come for these lands to become what they should be. Mine.

And fear gripped at her, burning the parchment in hand with a simple fire jutsu so there was no trace of it before Emi began cleaning away the dead animal and the bloody windowsill. Wiping clean the blade and setting it back in place so nothing appeared out of order. Even when Naruto came home he knew nothing. And lying there beside him in bed that night as the young man slept peacefully, Emi gently stroked the arm that was wrapped around her waist. She could feel his hot breath cascading down from the top of her head, and hear the beating of his steady heart where an ear lay pressed against the ninja's chest. The singer wished to stay here feeling a sense of safety in his arms, which the older teen was grateful for. Why could good things never last for her?


It was late, as the Hokage sat at her desk, running a hand frustratingly through her blonde hair. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was supposed to be a day of celebration when the Sound and Konoha called a truce. When the years of hate and war would be over. Of course nothing could ever be so simple.

"You're going to start growing grey hairs if you don't stop," Kotetsu attempted to joke, but the woman only sighed heavily. There were some details that needed to be finalized. Shizune had already been sent home for the evening, for tomorrow everyone would need strength. Including herself. They could not be kept here any longer.

"Is that everything, Lady Hokage?" Izumo asked, taking the last of thee paperwork from the desk.

"Yes. Be sure everyone is evacuated at dawn and taken into the mountain," Tsunade said. "You are-"

There was a knock at the door that drew their attention, causing the Chuunin to look at each other with furrowed brows. Who would visit the Hokage at this hour?


They were surprised by their visitor, yet the woman smiled tiredly. "It is late. You should not be wandering." Though neither were given an answer it was obvious something troubled their guest. "What can I do for you?"

And everything went black.

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