Chapter 14

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An awkward silence settled over the table, air thick with tension. Naruto was glaring at the person sitting across from them, arm draped over the back of Emi's chair protectively. The singer shifted uncomfortably in the seat, hands gripping a coffee mug in hand as steam rose from the liquid hoping a fight didn't break out in the middle of the café.

"Out of the question," Naruto growled.

Kiba's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Look, I just want to talk with her-"

"And we both know nothing good will come of it."

"It's okay, Naruto," Emi spoke up. Glancing over their eyes met.

He was still wary. "Are you sure?" The teen nodded causing him to sigh and stand. Though before leaving, the young man bent down to whisper in her ear, "I'll be at the counter if you need me." And with one more glare in Kiba's direction he went to sit on one of the stools at the wrap around counter, keeping them in sight.

The Jounin's full attention was now solely on the singer, as she took a sip of the warm drink. Emi said nothing, waiting for the Inuzuka to speak since he was the one to call them here. It took a lot of convincing to get the Chuunin to go through with this and it was obvious when arriving that something was on Kiba's mind, conflicted. The singer only hope this meeting didn't turn sour. "It's been nagging at me for a while now," the ninja finally spoke. "That night on top of Hokage Mountain. You could've easily returned with the enemy without problem since they had managed to sneak in undetected... but you didn't." The intensity of his stare would make anyone nervous, and Emi tried to hide it as she refused to look away. "You could've told them everything they ever wanted to know with the way you've been walking around Konoha. Why did you fight them?"

"Would you rather I didn't?"

"I just don't understand why someone like you would refuse to return home and want to stay here after we technically captured you. You're a prisoner of war."

"But I'm not exactly treated as one. I have no ill will towards the Leaf in any way. That has always been Brutus's doing."

"That's another thing I don't understand." Her brows furrowed in confusion. "The way you speak of him, your father. You call him by first name instead of addressing him as a parent."

"Well, he's never been the best role model in my life. There is no attachment or affection. He'd rather I be killed than allow me to be free... Which is what happened on the mountain." Kiba didn't appear convinced. "You don't have to believe anything I say, I know what you think of me. But the real enemy is beyond these walls."

"And what if this war does happen-"

"It will."

"All the same, what then? Which side are you on? When the Sound comes marching to our doorstep will you turn on us or fight along side of us. I know what you'll say, that you'll fight for Konoha. That's what they all saw when trying to please those willing to listen, eager to gain a strong asset."

She gave him a small smile, "Thank you for the compliment. It seems that you have already answered the question for yourself. Yes, I will fight with Konoha because I know what will occur if this Village falls. I see it everyday in my country, and while that lifestyle choice suits them..." She glanced away to look around the room and out through the windows lining a wall. "I couldn't bare the thought for these people at the mercy of a dictator. Many will not survive and even with a resistance... so many lives would be lost that were innocent."

They were silent for a moment as Kiba watched her carefully, not detecting any form of a lie in the words she was saying, nor heard or saw any fault in the expression that would give away that there was no truth. "If you do betray us I will kill you myself."

Emi turned back, staring him straight in the eyes and said, "I hope you would."

Sighing, the young man ran a hand over his face, muttering, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe you..." The singer was rather surprised and he noticed the expression. "Look... I'm sorry, all right? I know I've been an ass. But can you blame me for being skeptic."

"No. I never did blame you for your actions. It was only the others. You had every right to hate me, see me as the enemy. You're worried for your friends' safety. I'm dangerous."

Kiba chuckled. "Yeah, you are, which is what terrified me and the fact that everyone trusts you so easily."

"It would give the perfect opportunity to attack because they let down their guard."

The ninja smirked. "Exactly."

Staring into the cup of now cold tea, the teen mused a thought aloud, "I could very well still be the enemy... and I just don't know it yet. I could be a pawn in Brutus's plan and I'm unaware because he will use me as a weapon against those I've grown close to. He has a way of manipulating the minds of others."

"You've experienced this before."

"When I was a child. Now I only play his game so it does not seem that I know what he is doing. But don't stop doubting me, Kiba." His brows furrowed in confusion as they gaze at each other. "In case I do fall for one of his tricks. I need someone who can see past a... friendship in order to make the right decision should the time come..."

"You can count on me," he reassured. "I'm still warming up to the idea that you're not here to harm us, but I will try. You're helping us. The Hokage is grateful about that."

She gave him a crooked grin. "I am trying. I just hope it's enough."

He left minutes later to be greeted by his canine companion outside before walking down the street. The chair beside Emi scrapped back as Naruto filled the empty space. "Are you all right?"

"Yes," she smiled. "Can we train now?"

The young man grinned. "Whatever you want."

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