Final Chapter

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Chapter Song Inspiration: Hemiplegia by Haerts

The sun shone brightly overhead as Naruto helped Shikamaru lift a beam and dragged it over to where Choji stood towering over a building. There were many people hard at work pulling together one of the last structures together that had been destroyed during the war. They were so close, the Village finally looking like it once had no longer scared with death and destruction. Not only were the buildings repairing but the people as well. They had lost comrades that day, but knew the toll could have been so much greater had they not been warned.

After returning home from the hospital Naruto had been left to himself, wandering inside and stopped when noticing how vacant and quiet it was. Without Emi everything seemed a bit duller. Cooking for himself, not having anyone around to talk with or listen to what he had to say, and no one to laugh with. Even if trying to get the singer to show emotion was a struggle he enjoyed the challenge and the results of his efforts. And going to sleep at night by himself he wished for the singer to be lying beside him. Naruto never admitted out loud but he enjoyed sleeping close to her, sometimes waking before the older teen to find that he had wrapped an arm around her waist unconsciously. But by the way Emi had curled into him made the young man smile before planting a kiss on her forehead and getting ready for the day. So many months had passed with little word on how things were progressing in the Land of Hot Water. A few times the ninja demanded answers from the Hokage, but the healers were very private people and would not discuss matters, even with Kages should they choose. They were still unsure if she was even conscious or still in a coma. So Naruto was left to wait. But he never forgot her. Refused to, and grew excited for the day she might possibly return. When Kiba had asked what would happen to Emi if she should return the woman stated she would offer a pardon for the singer and if wishing to stay it would be allowed. Ibiki wasn't entirely happy at first over the fact that there would be no consequences for her actions in 'kidnapping' the Hokage. But it was for a good reason and Tsunade couldn't bring herself to punish the teen further. She had been through so much it would be cruel to complain of her actions for helping when they needed it most.

And the singer's production team, all those who had been apart of her crew was finally free. Never having to fear being captured by the Sound again and many began returning home to their families. But there were some who stayed behind with nowhere else to go. But they were content, which was all they really wished to be after the hell they went through.

"Man, what a drag," Shikamaru groaned. Holding his hand out to block the sun he took a swig of water. There were other ninja about mopping the sweat away from their brows from the heat. "It's so hot out."

"Then let's try and get this done quickly," Naruto stated. He had already shed his outer jacket earlier, now only wearing the white t-shirt underneath. "Besides, Ino and Hinata should be over soon with lunch."

"I'm so hungry," Choji groaned. The two snickered, grabbing another section of wood as the young man nearly drooled at the thought.

"Hey, Naruto!" Their heads turned watching as Kiba came barreling down the road on Akamaru's back.


Sliding to a halt the ninja said, "You're needed at the front gate."

"I'm a little busy, Kiba!"

"She's back." Eyes widening the young man dropped the planks before taking off back down the street at top speed leaving the others behind to smile at his reaction.

"It's about time," Shikamaru said.

"Yeah," the Inuzuka agreed.

Naruto didn't spare anyone a glance moving around patrons that milled through the road at their own pace. He only offered apologies under his breath if drawing too close but the way his head was pounding, heart aching at the news the ninja was panting, but never slowed. He couldn't see the front of the gate from the crowd that was swarming the marketplace, pushing his way through. Finally he could point out the back of the Hokage's head, and Sakura, who was chatting away with a large grin. It wasn't until he made his way around a vendor did his eyes land on the person he was looking for. Her hair had grown longer, being pulled back into a low ponytail and she wasn't wearing her standard dark clothing or something from Sakura's closet. An outfit clearly made in the Land of Hot Water. But what took his breath away was the sight of her smile that seemed to light up her face while conversing with the two women. The singer was standing at an angle from him not aware of his presence, but none of that mattered as Naruto continued to race forward catching Sakura's attention. The young woman grinned as their new arrival began to turn only to be caught in a tight hug that made the air rush from her lungs. She didn't care though as Emi returned the gesture as the young man's face pressed against the side of her neck panting for breath.

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