Chapter 18

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As the weeks progressed every ninja in Konoha was exposed to the jutsu. It helped the Hokage weed out those with a weak mind and those who could handle Genjutsu. Any signs of mental growth over time was enough for the woman too, meaning they had a chance at being on the battlefield, while those who couldn't were assigned to citizen detail when the evacuation took place. And every night after a long day Naruto would carry Emi home through the streets back to the apartment. She was growing stronger, able to produce the jutsu more than four times in one sitting, but it still took a lot out of her. And the young man didn't blame her when on weekends she wished to lounge around the apartment or in a nearby park. And no one bothered them. Even when Sakura and Sai came over just to hang out there were many times when neither of them said a word. It was peaceful and Emi relished in that fact alone.

There were also countless times the singer found herself waking in Naruto's bed having no memory of falling asleep there in the first place. She only asked once though as to why she wasn't on the couch, after the first time she displayed the Genjutsu and the young man only smiled before offering breakfast, never giving an answer. Sometimes she found the ninja passed out on the couch and other mornings lying in bed beside her, too exhausted to make it out of the room. But Emi never minded his presence appreciating the feeling of safety when around him.

Sighing, the teen leaned back, spine pressing against Naruto's and rested the back of her head against a shoulder to stare up at the passing clouds. The contact caused the ninja to turn slightly, seeing the dark strands of hair before turning back around to continue reading through a book on Medical Jutsus Sakura had lent him. The Chuunin was dead set on studying everything he possibly could before the Jounin Exam, not sure what to expect. "Are you feeling okay?" Naruto asked.

"I'm fine."

"No headache?"

"No headache."

The sound of a bird flying overhead was the only noise that occupied the open space. And she closed her eyes, beginning to hum softly. A random tune that had been stuck in her thoughts the last few days. Maybe it would eventually turn into a song of hers? Maybe one day it would get lyrics. But with the impending war nothing was certain and the future could not be predicted so for now the singer would just be happy with a melody to keep her busy.

"You know, even without vocals your songs still sound amazing."

A blush spread cross the teen's cheeks, unseen to the Chuunin. "Thanks..."

"Did you always know you wanted to become a singer? Like one day you realized you had a great voice and just decided to go with it?"

"Did you always know you wanted to become a ninja?"

Naruto grinned. "Yeah, I did. For as long as I can remember. Even if I didn't know who my parents were it was something I wanted to do because I wanted to be someone. Respected. And as I ninja I always believed that if I did great things people would finally noticed me." He chuckled. "It worked though and I wasn't the outcast anymore."

Emi listened to him quietly, eyes opening into slits. "I had my mother's help... I didn't just wake up one morning and say I was going to become a performer one day. It wasn't a lifestyle I really wanted. She too was a singer."


"Yeah." Naruto closed the book listening to her every word. "Been singing since I can remember. I didn't start doing professionally until after she was gone. Brutus never approved of the decision personally at first. When they got married my mother wasn't allowed to travel anymore. She didn't like that. Didn't know it until after a year or so when he made the damn rule. But when he saw my talents could benefit him in some way he made my career happen."

A thought came to him. "He's been planning this for years, hasn't he?"

"Just biding his time..." Emi exhaled heavily from her nose, eyes closing peacefully and taking in the sun's rays. It had been raining for the last few days, both anxious to leave the apartment this morning in search of fresh air.

"Your mother... how did she die?" Her eyes snapped open, body going stiff against him. "Sorry, it wasn't my place to ask."

"She wasn't only famous for being a singer... She was also skilled in Genjutsu. Only that fact wasn't well known until after the incident."

Incident? But Naruto said nothing seeing as how this was the first time the teen had really spoke about her before. He didn't want to interrupt.

"The reason I don't perform that song, the reason it's forbidden in the Sound is because of my mother. When they first met I think my parents loved each other. But Brutus changed and over the years they grew apart. I think my mother was hoping that with me around maybe things would get better. And one day... she just snapped. I was still a kid and still don't know what was said that threw her over the edge, but it wasn't good. She sent people into madness and threw the Sound into chaos. Brutus wouldn't stand for it. She was a threat and couldn't stand the sight of his wife's betrayal... and ordered her execution." Naruto found it hard to breathe, whirling around and causing Emi to fall back. Her head landed in his lap, a little startled by the sudden movement before her expression settled once more.

"Your own father..." The young man licked his lips, finding his throat dry. "Killed your mother?"

And she didn't show any sorrow or shed a tear at revealing such a dark memory. "I didn't know she died at first, whether it was natural or on purpose, but I wasn't stupid. Brutus tells nothing but lies."

"How did you find out?" Surely it was no one in the Sound. The singer told them countless times she had no friends. Only the crew, but they had been prisoners gathered from other lands, captured for false crimes. Of course they would get along.

"I've raided his office countless times. His books are filled with all kinds of data... even the fact he's responsible for her death. 'How', still remains a mystery. It wasn't documented. He doesn't know I know. Or at least never spoke about it. In fact, her name is taboo to utter around the Sound."

"And singing? How long till you knew?"

She could feel his fingers gently playing with a few strands of hair and the older teen didn't protest. It was calming in a way, giving her strength to carry on. "About five years ago, when I was fourteen was when we discovered I too possessed the gift to manipulate my voice, but that song... I knew the lyrics. Mother taught them to me, but it was up to me to create the sound behind it. I didn't know its power through." The corner of her lips twitched in mild amusement. "God, I got into so much trouble. I was banned from using such a thing. My mother and I aren't so different. Over time she slowly grew to hate Brutus, just like I had, only she couldn't get away, only in death..." His hand had stopped staring at the singer with an unreadable expression. "Is that my fate? I've come to believe-"

"No, never," he answered right away. "I won't allow it."

"But it's the only way to be rid of him-"

"Don't say that!" Naruto shouted. The outburst made her jump and the young man sighed, calming down, "Don't say that. Death is not the answer. It never is. He won't go anywhere near you."

There was mild relief in her expression, but she was still wary. Slowly, Naruto leaned down as Emi watched his every move staring each other in the eye before their lips connected. Her lids fluttered close only to open once again when the ninja pulled away. "Why did you do that?" the singer breathed.

"Because you need to know there is something, someone, who cares for you. I care, Emi, and I don't want you throwing your life away, waiting for your father to kill you."

"I told you, you're getting too close."

"Good." One of his hands caressed the teen's cheek. "The closer I am, the better."

And Emi couldn't hide her grin, giving a laugh. "You're such an idiot."

Theyoung man smirked. "I know." And he kissed her again.    

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