Chapter 9

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Chapter Song Inspiration: A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds to Mars

Something didn't feel right. Ever since Emi woke up there was something off about today and it made her uneasy. She didn't even hear Naruto get up and was distracted during their activities. The teen was thankful later in the day when Sakura gripped her arm and led her through the chaos of the restaurant. It was a nice distraction. "We'll be right back!" the Medical Ninja stated. Emi nodded as the two went towards the drink counter, sitting in a chair. Glancing down at the pot in her arms, the singer set it on the table in thought before the uneasy feeling came back. Her eyes scanned the dining room. She couldn't find Naruto or the others, sighing heavily.

The danger was closer than ever before, shoulders tensing. Without a second thought Emi stood moving towards the emergency exit. Placing a hand on the alarm box she sent a sound wave through the wires breaking the connection and allowing her to slip out with ease. There was an alleyway behind the building, walking swiftly towards the busy street. Emi didn't look over a shoulder, gaze keeping ahead so not to look suspicious. The singer knew exactly why she was worried from the start. This chakra was very familiar and was closing in. The older teen could not allow them to come out in the open like this. Not with so many innocents.

Looking up her eyes landed on the Hokage Mountain remembering when Naruto took her there on a walk one day. The scenery had been breathtaking, but not only that this late at night would be deserted.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, the singer was no longer alone as five men dressed in ninja attire joined her. But what stood out were the Sound headbands they sported. "Long time no see, Princess."

"Don't call me that," she muttered, causing him to chuckle.

"What? I can't call my favorite singer that? I'm hurt."

"I'm not your favorite."

She knew every single one of them as they shared a dangerous smile amongst themselves. They were the last people Emi wished to see. Goro, their leader, Jiro, his right hand man, Kenta, Nori, and Yuu. All worked closely with her father, Goro his most trusted advisor in the army.

"We were looking for you," Jiro sang.

"Little did we know we'd find you conversing with the enemy," Goro stated. "Don't tell us you've gone soft."

Emi refused to give them an answer, asking again, "Why are you here?"

"There's a change in plans. Brutus wants you back in the Sound."

That came as a surprise, but the singer didn't show it. "And doesn't he think that my sudden disappearance would cause suspicion among the Leaf? I haven't exactly been left alone because the Hokage wants to be sure I feel welcome." None of them could know she had already warned Konoha of the impending danger.

"We'll cover our tracks."

"And what if I don't agree with this decision and don't come?"

The man chuckled. "Funny, it sounds like you want to stay here." It fell silent as Emi watched them carefully. Anything could happen, these five ninja some of her father's top guard. They were unpredictable, which made them dangerous. "You do want to stay, don't you?"

"What kind of bullshit is this?" Kenta growled.

"The Sound is vile," Emi spat. "I will never go back there."

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