Can't Stand it- NevershoutNever

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Blurbs based on the song Can't Stand It by Nevershoutnever (This song is so happy and adorable I want to fucking puke rainbows. Go listen. It'll perk your mood) xo -Rachel 

Luke: Everything you do, is super fucking cute

            and I can't stand it. 

It's the way he crinkles his nose when he laughs, When he smiles those dimple you could swim in. It's the goofy way he dances and often trips over his long legs. How he always calls you baby. How he pouts when you deny him. It's his odd obsession with penguins. How inside he's secretly four years old. His awkwardness his endearing, letting his true emotions show through music instead. It's just something about him is utterly super fucking cute. 

Michael: Baby, I love you. I never want to let you go. 

                 The more I think about, the more I want to let you know

"Baby, I love you." "Where is this coming from Michael?" she automatically questions her boyfriend. See, no one has ever really loved her. They always say they do, but then they leave. "Nowhere. The more I think about, the more I want to let you know. I never want to let you go? Please, trust me." He pleads with her. She allows him to wrap his arms around her torso from behind. The height difference makes it simple for him to lightly kiss the top of her head. "I love you so much, I can't stand it." She admits. 

Ashton: Let's sell all our shit, and run away

                to sail the ocean blue. Then you'll know that my heart is true. 

She was bustling about their room. Well now just his room, packing her things. Things happened, life happened and they drifted apart. He was constantly gone and she couldn't stand it. "Babe, stop!" he shouts. "I need you in my life. I need you to come home to. Without you none of this matters!" "Then why didn't you fight for us sooner?" Then he says something crazy, "Let's sell all our shit." "What?" "Let's sell all our shit and run away!" he repeats. To him it made total sense, but she was lost. "Ashton Irwin you're crazy. Why the hell would we do that?" "Because then you'll know my love is true." 

Calum: You, I saw you across the room and I knew that this is gonna 

              blossom into something beautiful. You're beautiful. 

"Um h-hi," he stutters. He noticed her from across the room at a crowded part. It was dimly lit but there was enough light to make out her face, and boy was she beautiful. "I uh I saw you from over there and I think that this could blossom into something beautiful." She giggles at him. "Shit that sounded creepy oh god." "No, no. It was super duper cute, don't worry." Her warms smile eases his nerves. She takes a step towards him as he does the same, but he ends up tripping into her. "Oh sorry!" They apologize simultaneously. "No, it's fine. It was me I'm-I'm awkward, you're beautiful. Shit that was out loud." "You're so cute. I can't really stand it, we might have to go on a date." 

Ugh ok once again Calum's was shit :( but can I literally have my own Luke Hemmings? 

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