Requested [a] ❀

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Requested: MrsSpock
Hope you enjoy!

Leah's pov
I was waiting for my twin brother, Jughead, to hurry up and get ready. Jughead and I are nothing alike. He wears dark clothing, I don't, he looks goth, I don't, and so on. We are just the complete opposite of each other. But one thing he beats me at is that he has more friends than me. I practically only have 1 when I have more but I only talk to my best friend, Cheryl.
Jughead finally got out looking ready. He smiled at me in a nice brotherly way. He tries hard to not talk to me at school because he knows it'll ruin my reputation at all cost, well that's what Cheryl said to him.
I love my brother and I wish a could at least hang out with him at school but I just couldn't. He was staying at Archie's all the time because he doesn't really like dad at the moment, while I'm staying at Cheryl's, I like it but it feels so weird to not see my brother when I come 'home'.
  We got in the car that Cheryl's mom took us in as she drove us to school.
"Do we have to take Jughead home Leah?" She asked as she looked at Jughead disgusted. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"If he needs one then yes, if not then no." I said as she sighed and looked at him.
"I'm walking to pops after school so no I don't need a ride home." He said as Cheryl smiled wide.
"How 'bout we just take you there?" I asked looking at him with a smile, but he shook his no with a smile.
"Thanks sis but I rather walk." I nodded and got out of the car and walked in school as we past Archie, my school crush. Nobody knows about me liking Archie and he'll never know in the first place. I'm kinda jealous that Jughead is literally best friends with him. I was once friends with him but when he got on the football team freshman year he all of sudden shut me and Jughead out, but it looks like Jughead and Archie are back to best friends.
We fully walked past him as Cheryl and I walked to my locker. I opened it as Cheryl started to talk to Reggie, my locker neighbor. I got all my stuff out and I saw Archie again, he laughed at something that Betty, my brothers girlfriend, said. I sighed and talked to Reggie and Cheryl.
I walked to my first hour as I bumped into someone, I looked up and saw Archie. I could already feel the heat rising up to my cheeks.
"I'm so sorry Leah!" He said as he helped me up. His ginger hair poking out in a good way. His teeth showing when he smiled. He's just so attractive!
"U-Uh it's fine, I wasn't looking!" I said as I grabbed his hand to help me back up.
"Wow I haven't spoken to you in a while." He said as he pulled me into a hug.
"Uhh yeah it's been a while, yea?" I said as he smiled, that charming smile.
"Well it was nice seeing you again but I don't wanna be late for first hour today." He said as he gave me another hug and walked fast to first period while I walked to mine as well. My lord his embrace was tight.
~ time skip to Cheryl's house ~
I sat on Cheryl's bed as she was talking about her crush of the school, I'm glad she didn't say Archie.
"So Leah, who do you like?" She said as she pointed at me and smiled. My eyes widened, I don't want to tell her that I like him.
"Um, I don't really like anybody." I said looking at her trying to hide my lie.
"Nonsense! Leah I know for a fact that you like someone!" She said as she nudges my shoulder.
"I don't wanna say it though!" I said as I started to blush. She looked at me as she pulled out her pinky.
"I promise I won't tell anyone!" She said as I looked at her and then linked my pinky with hers.
"I like..." I trailed off looking everywhere but Cheryl.
"Leah come on-" she said as I cut her off by saying Archie.
Her eyes widened immediately and squealed with excitement. I blushed even more just thinking about his attractiveness.
"Leah you have to tell him!!" She said as she grabbed her phone.
"I don't have to him nothing!" I said as I grabbed her phone and threw it on the couch she had in her room.
"Why though?!"
"Because he'll never like me back, we both know that!" I said as I got up already heading back to my room.
"I'm tired so I'm heading to bed, goodnight!" I said as I heard her say a goodnight back.
Next day
Archie's pov
My dad dropped Jughead and I off at school today as he had to head off to work early. I saw Cheryl's parents car and saw Leah come out of it.
"Why is Leah with Cheryl? I know they're best friends but did she sleep over or something?" I said as I looked at Jughead, her twin brother.
"She lives with her." He stated as he started to talk to Betty again. My eyes widened as I turned him around so I could speak to him.
"She lives with her! Since when?" I said as I looked at him with wide eyes. He just shook his head as he pushed my hands off his shoulder.
"Maybe for the same reason as me, my dad." I nodded as I looked at her. She was so pretty! When I bumped into her yesterday and accidentally made her fall I noticed how beautiful she was.
~ football practice ~
I was taking a break from practice for a little bit when I saw Cheryl walking up to me.
"Hey Cheryl." I said as I looked at her confused.
"You'll never guess what Leah told me!?" She said as she smiled widely. A small blush came up my cheeks as I heard Leah's name.
"What'd she say?" I said as I looked at her, waiting for an answer.
"She likes you." She said sincerely. My eyes widened as I was full blown blushing now.
I looked down as my eyes went back to hers.
"Did she really say that?" I said as I squinted from the sun now hitting my face.
"Yes! She really did and you should totally ask her to the formal!" She said as she smiled wide.
"Should I really?" I asked as I looked at her a little nervous. She nodded her head with excitement and she smiled widely again.
"Leah hasn't had a formal date at all! She would be soooo happy if she had one this year!" She said as her smiled faulterd. I looked at her with a more nervous face now.
"What's wrong??" I asked as I was concerned.
"Ever since Leah and Jughead split up from their dad, she's been focused on something and never really paying attention. Her grades has been going down and when we usually get home she always goes to her room for specifically 10 minutes and comes back out with blood shut eyes. She's hurt a lot." She said as I looked down.
"You can't see it from her though she hides it very well." She finished as she put a hand on my shoulder.
"Ask her to the formal you'll see the real smile etch on her face then, I promise." She smiled at me as I smiled back and nodded.
"I'll do it!"
I saw her at her locker and I was ready to just do it, but right before I did Jughead got in front of me.
"Is my sister okay?" He asked as he had a full blown concerned face for his twin.
"You know funny enough I was just gonna ask if she was okay!" I said holding in my lie that I was gonna ask her to the formal.
"Really? Well you ask her and tell me what she says, okay?" He said as he pushed me towards her.
"Leah!" I said as I got to her locker. I leaned against it as she looked up at me. You couldn't see it on her face but you could just see it in her eyes that she was upset.
"Are you okay?" I said as I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me as her eyes started to water up. My eyes widened.
"Hey it's okay, it's okay!" I said as I pulled her into a hug. I hate seeing her like this in anyway.
"I want my family back Archie." She said as she sobbed in my shoulder. Then Cheryl's voice came back into my head.
'If you ask her to the school formal, you'll see the smile etch on her face.'
I then pulled away from the hug and wiped away her tears.
"I'm really hoping this will bring a smile to your face, but would you want to go too the school formal with me?" I said as I looked at her face as I saw her eyes light up a little. A blush started to come up her cheeks and I just smiled widely.
She smiled and wiped her eyes and nodded.
"I would love to Archie." She said as she smiled more wide. I hugged her and pulled her tight against my chest.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5:45!" I said as I kissed her cheek and ran over to her brother.
"Is she alright?" He said as he saw my smile.
"She's great!" I said as I ran off to my last hour, still smiling like crazy.
At Cheryl's house
Day of formal
Leah's pov
I looked at the dress in front of me. It wasn't long but it wasn't too short, it was just right. Cheryl did my hair and makeup because I did her hair and makeup. I was still so happy that Archie asked me to the formal. The color I picked out was a nice pastel pink. It had an open back and a halter top.
My hair was lightly curled and my shoes were just white 3 inch heels.
"Leah, Archie's here!" I took a deep breath, I can totally do this. I turned around and went down stairs and saw him standing there with a flower. When we met eye contact he smiled. I smiled back as I looked down to watch my step so I won't embarrass myself by tripping.
"You look beautiful as always." He said breathless. I blushed as I linked my arm with his.
"You don't look to bad yourself." I said as I looked up at him with a smile. My blush got more red because he leant down to kiss my cheek. We got to the car as his dad was taking us as we didn't have our license yet.
We got to the school and I was about to open my door but Archie already got out to open it for me.
"Thank you." I said as I smiled up at him.
"Anything for my date tonight." He said as he opened his arm for me to link it with mine. This boy is making me grow crazy every second.
We walked in and saw everyone dancing already. A slow song came on, so Archie pulled me to the center to slow dance with me.
"So Leah what have you been up to all this time?" He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Nothing really just recently moved in with Cheryl though." I said as I looked up at him and smiled.
"I heard that, is she fun to live with? I heard her mom and dad are little crazy." He said as I let out a little laugh.
"Once you get to know her mom at least she's really sweet!" I said. He laughed but then stopped immediately. I looked at him worrying if I said something wrong.
"Why not her dad?" He said as his arms grew tighter on my waist. Was he getting protective over me?
"Her dads always sketchy around me and Cheryl for some reason. He did something, he just doesn't want to tell anyone, I know it." I said. He pulled me a little closer to him as I smiled at him.
"Don't worry Archie I stay away, I promise." He nodded and kissed my temple.
"I never really liked her dad." He said as I layed my head on his shoulder.
"He creeps me out." I played with the little hairs on his neck and smiled. I pulled back from his shoulder and cupped his face.
"You don't need to worry about him okay?" I said as he nodded a little, still insure for himself.
"And of anything happens to me, I'll call you straight away, I promise!" He smiled and leaned down and kissed me.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled up at him and pulled him for another kiss.
"I would love to be your girlfriend."

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