Skateboard AA

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Y/N pov

"Hey loser!" I turned around and saw chuck and his crew laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and gripped my skateboard.
"I'm talking to you Y/N!" I just sighed and turned back around.

"What do you want?" I said clenching my jaw. He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Wanna come over to my place tonight?" He said while elbowing his friends playfully thinking he'll get laid.

"Yeah, sure. Just tell me when you get back from hell and I'll be there." I said picking up my skateboard and started to ride out of the school with it.

"Hey get off that in school!" I just put my middle finger up and kept riding.

I was now skating through my neighborhood. I was listening to my music, while not really paying attention. I was soon on the ground groaning from the pain shooting through my body.

"Fuck." I groaned out and sat up and saw blood all over me. I looked at the scene in front of me slightly and saw serpents and northsiders all gathered up around a circle looking at something. They were looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at me again. Just a more and more blood.

Someone bent down and grabbed my arm to see if there was a pulse or something but can they not see that I'm alive. I sat up and brushed off nothing. When I looked back down I saw my body lying lifeless.

Am I dead?

Tears started flooding my eyes as I thought of what's going to happen to me.

I'm dying right now.

Just look at everyone's faces though.

They look at each other trying to question my name silently.

No one knows who I am.

Could dying be a good thing.

I'm sorry mom.

I walked away in my ghost body and just left.

Archie's pov

I sat down on a curb outside my house after realizing that Y/N didn't make it. It my truck that got her.

It was my fault.

I kept thinking that over and over again. I felt a hand in my shoulder besides me and I saw Y/N sitting there. I was confused.

How are you hear?

I thought and it was like she was speaking to me.

"You wanna know something?" She questioned. I nodded in response and she smiled.

"I still skateboard around here you know?" She said laughing a little bit. I smiled. I saw her skateboard everyday and every time I would just admire her beauty.

A tear slipped from my eye and fell down to my hands.

"I love you, Y/N." I said in whisper and got up to leave.

"Hey, you're names Archie, yes?" A person said behind me. I turned around and saw a girl that looked just like Y/N. I nodded and she smiled.
"Y/N was my twin sister and It looked like you took my sisters death harder than I did." I looked at Y/N sister and just smiled nicely.

"I was thinking she might want you to learn skateboarding because what's the use of this?" She said as she held up a skateboard that looked like Y/N.

"Was this Y/N?" I asked stuttering a little bit. She nodded and handed it to me.
"Thank you." I said a little bit above a whisper.

"You're welcome Archie. If you need to talk to anyone, my ears are always ready to hear." I nodded and started to walk inside my house. When I got inside I looked at the skateboard and saw a not attached.

I love you Archie.

            Xxx Y/N

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