Requested Jughead Jones

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Warnings: none
Wc: 605
Requested: anisah_alpha15

Ivy's pov

The jacket fits perfect. The leather laid loosely on my arms, the snake resembling the surpent I have become. The zipper broken as it has been my fathers for years, and now it's mine for more years to come. I always thought my dad was the coolest dad around. I mean yeah we didn't have money but we also didn't have no money. My dad had the surpents. As I had my dad. I looked at the guys as they huddled around me cheering, not hugging, surpents don't like hugging, for the person I have now just become.

Jughead's pov

"So did you hear about our new gang member?" One of the guys said. I raised my eyebrows looking at them curiously.

"No, I actually haven't."

"Ivy." My eyes narrowed. I knew Ivy's dad was a surpent but he died in a brutal accident with his motorcycle, I just never thought ivy would want to be like him.

"Kick her out." I said looking at him. My eyes showing anger.

"What hell!" He yelled trying to convince me to kick her out.

"What do you mean 'what the hell!' She's not going to be a fucking surpent! She's gonna get hurt one day and it's all gonna be because of her being a surpent!" I yelled back. He sighed and said fine, agreeing to take her out.

I walked into Archie's house seeing him talking to Ivy. I smiled at her but then it turned into a frown. I saw the jacket in her hand, with the snake on the back, the same exact one from her dad. I went up to her and hugged her and whispered to meet me upstairs. She nodded and as I walked up the stairs.

Ivys pov

I walked slowly up the stairs already knowing what's coming next. The surpents. I saw Jughead in Archie's room so I walked in there slowly with my jacket in my hand.

"Hey." I said first trying to ease my anxiety.

"Hey." He said back in a loud whisper. I closed my eyes and opened them again looking at Jughead in the eyes.

"I know why you wanted to talk to me, The Surpents." I said looking at him as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yea how'd you know?" He said with annoyance laced in his voice. I looked down at my hands and held up the jacket. He nodded and sighed.
"I just don't feel like you should be in this gang!"

"You're in it though! Isn't that enough!" I yelled back at him as he scoffed.

"I'm a man Ivy, you're a girl that can get hurt easily!" He said as my eyes widened.

"I think we all know I would win in a fight with you!" I said with my face steaming like a pot of hot water.

"With me Ivy not with those other guys! If you Archie were fighting fist first you would most likely loose. I'm trying to protect you!" He said as he stepped closer. He put his hands on my waist as he looked down at me.
"I don't want you hurt, I don't even wanna see you trip on a curb!" I chucked as he smiled down.

"But can I keep the jacket in a closet? It's my dads." I said looking up at him.

"Of course sweetheart."

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