Requested Reggie Mantle

9K 83 9

Warning: none
Word count: 506
Requested: queen_bartra12
(Not edited)
Jacqueline's pov

Today was me and Veronica's first day of school. We moved here from New York and we can already tell everyone knows about our dad.

We walked in and immediately everyone looked at us, mostly all boys. I looked at Ronnie and she smiled telling me it was going to be okay. I'm never the one to do good on the first day of school especially being the newbie of the school.

We headed to the office when a dude with light tan skin, jet black hair, light brown eyes and may I say a beautiful smile, and don't let me forget how freakishly tall he is.

"Hey I'm Reggie!" He said looking down at me. I smiled and looked down at my feet and then looked back up at him.

"I'm Jacqueline." I said looking up at him.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said as my cheeks turned red slightly.

"Hey Jacqueline, here's your schedule but my new friend Betty is going to take me to my first hour, is that okay?" She said as I immediately felt nervous. But I nodded anyways. She smiled as she walked away with a girl named Betty.

"I can take you to your first hour." He said as I turned around and smiled at him and nodded. He smiled down at me as he turned around.
"Follow me then!"

School hasn't really started yet so Reggie and I talked for a little bit as he showed me around.

"So where did you come from?" He said looking at me.

"New York." I said as I looked down at my feet.

"Wow that's cool." He said as I felt his eyes on me.
"Now I kind of wished I lived there, I probably would be dating you by now." I felt my cheeks heat up as I heard the bell indicating that first hour was about to start.
"Well anyways here's your first hour! See you later!" He said as he kissed my cheek. I was already falling for him.

After my first hour I went to my locker and when I opened it a note flew out. I picked it up and saw messy but neat writing on it.

Are you as gorgeous on the inside as you are on the outside?
Pops?? If yes I'll pick u up at 6 tonight if not just tell me.

I smiled as I saw him at his locker. I walked up to him and when he saw me he looked nervous. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you tonight!"

Hoped you liked it!! If you did just tell me in the comments or vote!!
Requests are closing on august 23rd! But if we get this book to 4K reads I will keep them up for 3 more months!! But request while you can! Just go to my intro (first chapter) and fill out the form givin in bold!!!
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