Requested Reggie Mantle

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Warnings: none
Words counted: 1383
Plot: you and Reggie spends the whole summer together but once school comes around Reggie starts to be an ass to every one so you break go with him because you got fed up with it. But in the end you guys talk it and get back together!
Requested: itsbughead_okay

Grace's pov

Today was the first day of school and my boyfriend and I are ready to see each other even though we hung out all summer. I was gonna be back in the vixens once again because me and Cheryl are good friends.
  I always walk to school with my brother, Archie, but today I was walking with Betty.

"So there's going to be a new girl at our school this year!" Betty said excitedly while her curly ponytail jumped up and down.

"Really! What's her name?" I said looking at her squinting while the sun was in my eyes.

"Her names Veronica and I think Archie likes her." She said looking a little upset.

"Oh please, for all I know my brother tells me everything from who he likes to having a bad day so I think I would know who he likes and it's not her." I said watching her expression. She smiled widely and hugged me.

"You're the best Grace!"

We arrived at school once we were done talking about our summer. We walked through the door as Betty was telling me she had to meet up with Veronica. I nodded and smiled and went to find Reggie but once I got there I heard some pretty harsh words coming from his mouth as he was talking to Jughead.

"You're just a fuck up alright Jughead! Archie and Grace don't even talk to you because you're a fuck up so leave!" I was mad at why my boyfriend would do this. He was such a sweet guy during the summer and here he is being an asshole.

I walked over to him and pulled him back.

"Will you ever stop! Why are you even yelling at Jughead when he did nothing!?" I said looking at him. I turned around a faced Jughead and told him to go. People were now staring at us as we were the "hottest" couple of the school.

"Why the hell did you just let him leave! I wasn't done yet!" He yelled at me. I was shocked, Reggie never yelled at me. I looked to the side and saw Archie fuming from down the hall. I saw Betty and Veronica staring at us as Betty was shocked. I looked at Reggies face as he had anger in his eyes.

"What happened to the Reggie I knew." I said softly but sternly.
"What happened to the Reggie I knew a week ago, huh?" I said slightly yelling now. His face softened a little as he looked down at me.

"What are you trying to say?" He said as he took my hand. I pulled them away from him as I backed up. A wave of sadness took over his face.

"We're done Reggie." I said as everyone in the hall gasped. I'm for sure I heard one of the teachers gasped.

"So you're just going to waste 2 years of a relationship!" He said as tears ran down his face.

"No Reggie, don't start blaming stuff to me! You're over here acting like an actual asshole and being an actual bully to people that did nothing to you! But guess what Reggie! Since you called Jughead a fuck up, I'm gonna say you fucked up this relationship. Bye Reggie, don't ever talk to me again." I said as I walked away towards my brother and Betty.

Archie pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into his shirt. Will I regret this? Probably.

3 weeks later

3 miserable weeks later from when me and Reggie broke up. After I did break up with him he absolutely changed. He never talked to anyone, his grades were dropping, he barely made the football team, and he just looked broken everytime I saw him walk down the hall. What did I do?

I was talking to Jughead as Veronica ran down to us.

"Grace, what happened!?" She practically yelled in my face as Betty walked up to her out of breath.

"What happened?" I said calmly. She let out a loud groan as people started to stare.

"I got slut shamed from chuck!" She said as she yelled again. My eyes widened at the thought of one of my best friends being slut shamed.

I grabbed her wrist as I stomped towards the guys locker room. Once we walked in we bumped into Archie. I made a face once he almost dropped his towel, but I saw chuck smirk in the corner of my eye.

"Grace what are you doing!?" Archie softly yelled telling me I should go.

"You!" I said pointing to Chuck. I saw Reggie looking at me worriedly. I let go of Veronica's wrist as I stomped to Chuck.
"You wanna know something?!" I yelled at him. Everyone was now staring at me, Veronica and Betty standing in the back.

"All I know is that you wanna ride the Chucky train!" He said as the rest of the football team laughed except Archie and Reggie. I squinted my eyes as I tilted my head and shook it.

"You should know you're a fuck boy and all you wanna do is bang girls in their houses because you don't want coach or may I said your DAD to know! I don't ever want you slut shaming my friend or anyone ever again because I know for a fact you fucked more girls than she did guys! So if we were to slut shame anyone it would be you or we could just say you're an asshole and a man whore." I said as Chuck moved towards me. I backed up but hit my back on the lockers.

His body was close to mine and practically yelled in my face.

"You're the fucking slut in this fucking school, you know!? You only broke up with Reggie because you was fucking some guy probably!" My eyes teared up as Reggie pushed him back. Archie came up to me now having pants and a shirt on as he pulled me out of the locker room.

"Don't listen to him okay, Grace." Archie pulled me into his chest once he saw that I wouldn't stop crying. I looked at the doors as Reggie came out of the room looking for me. He saw me in Archie's chest and sighed in relief. I pulled away from Archie and ran up to Reggie and pulled him into a much needed hug. He instantly hugged me back as he rubbed my lower and upper back.

"Shh grace, I'm right here, he won't do anything I promise." He said kissing the side my cheek. I pressed my face into his neck feeling safe. I feel like if I went in the locker room and Reggie was still my boyfriend I feel like I wouldn't have cried I probably would rely on Reggie to stop him, like he did.

"I miss you Reggie." I said looking at him now. He smiled and pecked my forehead softly.

"I miss you too Grace." He leaned down and kissed my lips tenderly.
"I'm sorry for being an ass that day." I shushed him and smiled.

"That's in the past now Reggie!" I smiled at him and kissed him as he smiled in it.

"Can we please just pick up where we left off?" He said smiling down at me. I smiled and nodded.

"I'll never say 'we're done' ever again, I promise!"

"I love you Grace."

"I love you more Reggie." I said pulling him into a hug.

Omg I haven't uploaded in like five thousand years! I really hope you liked it though! I actually edited it to!!!! If you did like it vote and comment! If you didn't that's cool just tell me what I need to fix up. Requests are still open for 2 more months now! So go to my first chapter (intro) and fill out the form given in the bold letters.
Don't forget to vote and comment!

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