Requested Archie Andrews

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Warnings: not edited
Wc: 286
Requested: bunny1127

Vanessas pov

I was at a botanic garden cuddling Archie with are legs tangled together. I looked around us as I saw flowers and lots of trees around us. I then looked at Archie as I saw girl looking mad at me. I just rolled my eyes as I just laid my head on Archie's chest.

It got to the point where I really had to go to the bathroom. I got up telling Archie where I was going as I saw the girl was gone. Hallelujah.

I walked in the restroom, right when I was pushed into the wall.

"You stay away from Archie! You got that!? He's mine and he's always been mine!" She yelled in my face. I nodded and sucked in my breath. She smiled and went out skipping as always.

I walked back to Archie and sat a little bit further away from him. Archie looked at me confused and got closer to and kissed my cheek. I felt eyes on me so I looked around and saw the same girl. She stormed over to me and yelled in my face again.

"I thought I told you to stay away!!" She said as she pulled me hair. Archie got up and pushed me behind his back and started to slightly yell at her.

"Go away! You've been nagging me for the last month because of me and ven! Go away got gods sake!!!" He yelled as he held my hand. She stormed off as I slightly smirked. Archie turned around and kissed my forehead.

"I'll keep you safe."

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