The cabin [s] ii ☀︎

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I actually really like this one!
Hope you enjoy!

Y/N pov
Sweetpea took me home after that night. He told me countless of times what happened and I was finally going to tell him.
"We went out to the hot tub outside, and Veronica came up with this "great" idea and I looked behind all of them and saw a black figure just watching us," I said looking at him as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"Then Jughead thought that was a "great" idea as well but I looked over him as he was standing in front of me and the figure was now walking closer," I was breathing heavy now as I just thought about it. "And I said I wanted to go inside but they wouldn't let me." I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead.
"Soon enough the figure was right in front of us and yelled 'give me all your money' and I recognized the voice, it was Andre, Veronica set this up and that's when I called you." I finished and Sweetpea just kept quiet.
"I'm so sorry." He said kissing my forehead.
"I'm so so sorry." He said again pulling me closer to his body.
"I'm supposed to protect you and make you safe at all times and I couldn't do that." I looked up and saw that he had tears in his eyes.
"Sweets..." I said sitting up.
"You did protect me." He shook his head as more tears fell down.
"Yes you did Sweetpea! You might of not been there but I knew you would be if anything happened." I said cupping his face into my hands.
"You don't need to apologize." I said leaning down and kissing the tip of his nose. He nodded and smiled slightly. I wiped his tears and went down to kiss him.
"I love you."
"I love you too." He said pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm still going to beat there asses." I laughed and went back to look at him.
"Don't do too much damage on them." I said smiling and then I laid my head down on his chest and went to sleep with his hands combing through my hair.
That Monday
Sweetpea took us to school today instead of us waking up earlier and walking. We walked into the school and I immediately saw the group and they looked at me with guilt and sorrow. I hooked hands with Sweetpea and walked past them looking ahead and not meeting eye contact.
We got to my locker and Sweetpea just leaned over and kept an eye out for me. I smiled as I got my stuff and closed my locker and handed Sweets his math book. He smiled down at me as I handed him his book and he took it and leaned down to kiss me softly.
I just smiled widely as the bell wrung signaling that we had 5 minuets till first period.
I was sitting at my science table that I shared with Archie. He popped down onto his seat and looked at me for a hot second but then looked away knowing that I don't want to talk, but he had other intentions.
"Alright guys today we are starting the new lab!" The teacher said as I looked at the beakers and the pipettes sitting in front of us.
She started to explain the idea of the lab and then we started off to do it.
"Y/N." I looked at Archie and I just saw guilt again in his eyes. I just picked up the substance and ignored him. I pored in the liquid and saw how it made it a different color even though there was no other coloring. I smiled and wrote down my data.
"Please." He said as he grabbed my wrist and I immediately pulled away and looked at him with anger.
"I'm sorry." He said as more and more guilt built up in him.
"I told Veronica to not do anything, to just have this weekend to be fun and relaxing but she had to do that and I don't know why, all of us tried to stop her, Betty and Jughead hated the idea. We know not to hurt you, not to talk bad about you, or even touch you in anyway and we hurt you so bad and we are sorry, so sorry." He finished rambling and I just looked at him and I sighed.
"Why didn't y'all try harder then?" I said as I finished the lab and finished my data.
I then looked at him again and gave him my data. "Better hurry and wright them down." I said as he smiled at me slightly.
"I'm warning you now though, Sweetpea still isn't okay with what happened." I said as I got up and started to clean my beakers and pipettes.
"Wow Y/N, you guys are already done!?" The teacher came up to me as I smiled and nodded.
"Star students, aren't ya?" She laughed and went back to her desk while checking up on everybody.
I sat back down at the lab table as Archie looked at me again.
"I'm sure we deserve what Sweetpea is going to give us." He said getting up and taking our papers and putting them in the turn in bin. I just laughed at his comment and got out my book and started to read for the rest of the class time.
At lunch
I was staring down at my lunch table that I usually sit with Toni, Fangs, Sweetpea and some other serpents but those three are the ones that I talk to the most. But unfortunately they left me except Sweets of course, Toni was now sitting with Cheryl and Fangs, my brother, has left the town sadly. Sweetpea walked through the cafeteria doors but he wasn't walking towards my table he was walking towards Archie's, Jugheads, Betty's and Veronica's table.
I bit my lip, scared for what he was going to do. I got up and walked towards the table and grabbed Sweetpea by the arm.
"Just leave it Sweets." I said as I pulled him back more. He just pulled him self off of me and people started to stare, ready to see the fight that is going to happen. I was so scared for what was going to happen.
"Just go back to the table." He said turning around but once he saw my scared face he immediately softened. He put his hands on my face and kissed my forehead and looked at me with a sincere look.
"I'm not going to hurt anyone, just warning them to never do it again." I nodded and took a deep breath as he pulled away and turned around.
"You ever hurt my girl again your dead, alright? I was already mad enough that Y/N was scared to tell me because she was still scared herself, and to hear that you set this up," He said pointing to Veronica. "Y/N texted me saying that Archie, Jughead, and Betty said that it wasn't a good idea and you, Veronica, still wanted to do it. Do it again and it's over." He finished and gently grabbed my hand and took me out of the cafeteria.
Once we were out of the cafeteria he pulled me into a hug and brushed his fingers through my hair.
"See? Didn't hurt anyone." He said as he smiled and kissed my forehead.
"If you didn't want me to punch Archie, and you didn't, I wouldn't have done it. I saw the look on your face and immediately just regretted it. So I just warned them, but, if it happens again, you come straight to me." I nodded and leaned up to kiss him fully. He smiled and pulled me tighter against him and kissed me all over my face.
"I love you Sweets."
"I love you more!" He said as laughing and pulled me out to his motorcycle, skipping school.

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