Requested Archie Andrews

7.1K 64 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 458
Requested: justanotherreader30

Archie's pov

I looked at my girlfriend, Madison, with her so called "best friend" Reggie Mantle. After me and him broke off our friendship we started to hate each other and all he does is flirt with my girlfriend! You may say I'm overreacting but I'm just being an overprotective boyfriend.

~ later that day ~

I was at my house along with Madison but as of right now I'm not speaking to her and she hasn't really noticed at all. Well that's what I thought at least.

"Archie?" She said as I saw her in the corner of my eye look at me.
"Why are you ignoring me?" She said as her voice cracked. I'm guessing she's been noticing ever since I've been ignoring her.
"I'll be right back." She as I looked at her as she walked away. She truly looked hurt. I felt bad now because I've actually never ignored her because she's so sweet and I can tell she never try's to get me jealous or anything.

I got up heading where Madison went wanting to know if she's okay. I first went up to my room and see if she was in there but she wasn't so I went to the bathroom that I used. I knocked on the door seeing if she was in there but all I heard was a sniffle indicating that she was crying. I sighed feeling helpless now because I was the one that did this to her. I turned the knob hoping it was unlocked and unfortunately it was. I let myself in as I sat next to her.

"I sorry madi." I said as I pulled her to my chest.

"Why were you ignoring me?" She said as she wiped away her tears.

"I was jealous that you hanging out with Reggie." I said as I looked away from her avoiding eye contact.

"You don't need to be jealous Archie! He knows that we're together and he knows to stay off. He respects our relationship." She said looking at me. I looked down at her surprised.

"Really?" She nodded as she smiled and kissed my cheek and layed her head on my chest.

"One last thing, promise me you'll tell me next time." She said as she wrapped her arm around me.

"I promise."

Sorry that's it's really short! Hoped you liked it, if you did leave a vote and a comment!
Requests are still open and will be closing august 23 but if we get this book to 4K reads I'll won't stop them for another 3 months!! Just go to my intro (first chapter) and fill out the form givin!!
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