Requested Jughead Jones

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Warnings: none
Wc: 624
Requested: CookieMonster596
(Not edited)

Betty's pov

I sat up groaning in pain as I still have the stomach flu. I looked over at Jughead as he slept so soundly. I sighed as I all I wanted to do was sleep. I sat up and went to the bathroom because I felt so nauseous and dizzy. I leaned against the wall as I sat there sighing and wishing my brother never gave me this stomach flu. I sat still waiting for the dizziness to die down and hopefully go back to sleep.

I felt my eyes open as I saw Jughead sitting in front of me with worried eyes. I smiled softly but then shot up and quickly threw up in the toilet. Jughead rubbed my back as he pulled my short hair back.

"We should probably get you to the doctor." Jug stated as I shook my head no.

"It's probably just a stomach bug." I said sitting up now brushing my teeth.

When I was done I turned around and faced Jughead as he smiled and hugged me. He told me to go rest while he cooked me up some soup. I nodded and went straight to the bed collapsing on the white bed sheets. I grabbed the remote and started to watch 'the good doctor.'

Around 15 minuets later Jughead walked through the door to our bedroom with a bowl of soup in his hands still steaming from the hotness.

"You know you didn't have to do all of this, right?" I said smiling knowing I have the most sweetest boyfriend.

"I know I didn't but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't!" He said laughing a bit. I smiled as he kissed my forehead smiling after with me. I took the bowl out of his hands as I was awaiting for the hotness to hit my stomach taking away the dreadful pain that was now arising.

~ a few days later ~

It's now been a few days since I have been sick from the stomach flu. Jughead has been really helpful to me because I just felt so weak. But I felt a lot better but let's face it, we all knew Jughead was going to get sick as well, and we are right, he's sick.

I walked into our bedroom seeing he wasn't curled up in our since duvet. I peaked my head into the bathroom to see him asleep just like I was when I found out that I had the stomach flu. I chuckled softly as I bent down. I pushed away his hair as I went up to kiss his forehead. His eyes softly opened to see me as he smiled.

"Now it's your turn to take care of me." He said weakly as I chuckled, nodding my head.

"And I'm gladly to do so as well." I said standing up opening up my hand from him to take. He took it as I led him to the bed so I could cook him some soup.

I walked in to have him smiling with happiness. I gave him his soup and just from the first sip he moaned from the pleasure it gave him in his stomach. The pain just washing away. I leaned down kissing his forehead reaching for the remote.

We watched tv for practically the whole week trying to get better by the minute.

Sorry if it's not what you wanted! I know you wanted it long but I was in need of an update! If you did like it comment and vote! Requests are still open, just go to my first chapter (intro) and fill out the form given in bold.
Don't forget to vote and comment!

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