Telling Alya

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At the end of the school day (the day after finding out about the field trip) Marinette caught up with her best friend Alya as they walked out of school.

"Hey, Alya, can you come to my house I need to tell you something," she asked nervously.

Alya shrugged, "Okay, I don't have plans."

When they got to the bakery Marinette quickly led her friend upstairs to her room and they sat down on her bed.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Alya asked after they set their stuff down.

"Well..." Marinette mumbled, "I'mkindatheprincessofChina."


Marinette took a deep breath, "I'm the princess of China."

Alya gave her a weird look, "Is this a joke?"

Marinette shook her head.

"No, I actually am the princess of China. Well, the younger one anyways."

And then she proceeded to tell Alya everything she had told Tiki about her brother and how she needed to save her family (A/N: Which I'm not gonna write out cause I'm lazy).
When she was finished Alya just stared at Marinette with wide eyes.

"You sure this isn't a joke?" She asked again.

"No!" Marinette exclaimed.

Alya suddenly got a sly look on her face.

"Well if you're going to go basically undercover then we'll need to change your appearance so you won't be recognized. I can help with that."

Marinette looked a little scared but she nodded in agreement.


The next day (which was a Saturday) Marinette and Alya went to the mall and bought brown hair dye, green contacts, and some new clothes.

They took everything they had bought to Marinette's house where Alya helped her friend put in the hair dye.

When they were done Marinette looked in the mirror and pouted.

"I liked my blue hair," she said sadly.

"I know," Alya told her, "I did too but this way they won't know who you are and kill you!"

Marinette nodded, "I know. Thanks Alya."

"No problem," Alya hugged her friend, "Let's try the green contacts!"

Marinette went to her bathroom, washed her hands, and then put in the contacts.

"What do you think?" She asked.

Alya stared at her wide eyed. "You look totally different," she told her.

"Good," Marinette said, "I can't wait to see boys' reactions!"

Both girls giggled and then Marinette took out the contacts and said goodbye to Alya. She packed that night knowing they were leaving Monday morning, and then fell asleep on her couch dreaming about her real Chinese family.

A/N: So that's chapter two I hope you like it please vote and comment.

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