Awkward Questions

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Alya, Nino, Mari and I were walking out off the airport when a man in a business suit came up to us with a photo in his hand.

"Excuse me," he asked us shoving the photo in our faces. "Have you seen this girl? She'd be about 16 now, your age."

We all examined the photo and Mari suddenly turned deadly pale. I noticed Alya send her a worried look before glaring at Nino and I warning us not to say anything.

"That person looks familiar," Nino said, completely oblivious to Alya. "She looks kinda like Mar-"

"Maria!" Alya interjected stomping on Nino's foot and causing him to shriek in pain. The man looked at them suspiciously.

"Maria's our friend back home," Marinette explained saving them. "That looks kind of like she did when she was younger. Not really, though. Her eyes are more green, not blue, and her hair's darker, more of a black."

Alya nodded in agreement, and after she nudged us Nino and I both did the same. What were those girls up to? And who the heck was Maria?

I studied the photo a little closer and it looked exactly like what I would imagine Mari did when she was younger. The girl had beautiful blue bell eyes and midnight blue hair. I knew better than to say anything though. I didn't want my feet stomped on too.

The man hesitated for a minute longer before moving on to another group of people. As soon as he was gone, Marinette and Alya both sighed in relief.

"That was close," Marinette whispered to Alya. I suddenly grabbed both girls' hands and we ducked underneath a staircase, out of sight and earshot of other people.

"What was that about?" I asked them crossing my arms over my chest. "And who in the world is Maria?"

Marinette glanced at Alya before copying my position and saying, "I can't tell you."

"Why not?" I threw my hands in the air. "What are you hiding? Is someone threatening you? You've changed your hair, your-" A hand was clamped over my mouth.

"What do you think you're doing?" Alya hissed.

"Trying to find out what you're hiding," I tried to say but since Alya's hand was still covering my mouth it came out as "Tying oo ine ou wha or i-ing."

"Well stop," Alya said.

"Adrien I want to tell you, I really do," Marinette started and I brightened.

"But I can't," She finished.


"Please Adrien."

I sighed and relented, "Fine." I was still worried about my princess, though. Was someone threatening her? Trying to hurt her? I needed to protect her! I resolved to visit her as Chat, even if it was dangerous to my identity.

Marinette looked relieved and we all walked out from the stairs and rejoined our class.

"Alright everyone," our teacher was saying, "At our hotel there will be two to three people per room. In room 402 is Chloe, Sabrina, and Lila. In room 404 is Alix and Mylene. Room 406 is Rose and Juleka. Max and Kim will be in 405, and Nathanael and Ivan will be in 403. Nino and Adrien will be in 422, with Alya and Marinette in room 424. No arguing or switching rooms or partners."

"But I need to be with my Adrikins!" A bratty voice wined.

Marinette sighed, "Chloe, she just said no switching."

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