The Plane Pt 2

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Marinette' POV

I was standing in front of the palace with my class, staring at my brother.

"I know who you are Marinette. Or should I say, Meixiu."

I stared at him with a blank expression. "You don't scare me Kai."

"Well I should, Mei. Seize her."

Three different guards grabbed me and forced my into the castle and into a cell. I heard my friends call out behind me but there was nothing they could do.

"Now you're mine forever."

I sat up straight in my seat with a gasp, startling the boy next to be who had previously been fast asleep.

"Mari? Are you okay?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah I just-just had a bad dream."

He gave me a concerned look. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No!" I said, a little bit more forcefully then I meant to.

"I mean, no I'm fine. It was just a dream after all." He still looked at me with a worried expression, but thankfully let the subject drop.

"I think we're almost there," he told me after a moment. I looked out the window and saw the familiar landscape of China below us. I smiled as I saw the shops, building, and houses I remembered from my childhood.

Adrien broke me out of my trance.

"Mari, can I ask you something?" He asked hesitantly.


"W-why did you change you're hair and eyes? N-not that it looks bad, b-but-" I thought for a minute. Could I tell him the truth? No, it was too dangerous.

So I shrugged hoping I looked nonchalant. "I guess I just wanted a change, like I said earlier." He still looked unsure, like he didn't believe me, but thankfully a voice came over the intercom at that time interrupting our awkward conversation.

"Attention passengers, we will be landing shortly. Please prepare for landing."

I checked to make sure my seatbelt was tightened as I mentally steeled myself for what lay ahead.

(Time skip to after landing)

I walked off the plane with Alya, Nino, and Adrien, trying to hide behind the three. Unfortunately this caused the boys to give me weird looks.

"Are you okay, Mari? You've been acting strange since we learned about the field trip," Adrien said as he looked at me worriedly. For a moment I was too excited to reply; he called me Mari! But then I remembered that everyone was waiting for my answer so I shrugged yet again.

"I'm fine- just excited."

The all nodded, Alya giving me a knowing look. I walked up with them instead of behind them, but I still felt nervous. What if I was recognized? Thankfully my disguise seemed to work and I also did my best to act natural with my friends so I'd avoid suspicion.

Just as we were about to walk out the doors of the airport with our bags, a man in a black suit came up to us with a photo in his hands. He showed it to us and I saw with panic it was a picture of me when I was ten.

"Excuse me," he asked, "have you seen this girl?"

A/N: And that's the chapter! Sorry for the cliffhanger I'm super busy but I promise I'll update soon! Once again please vote and comment and thx for reading! Bye!

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