Pool Party

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A/N: Okay, so I know literally everyone who does a Princess Mari book does a Pool Party chapter, and I wasn't planning to, but I just couldn't resist. The idea of Adrien in a swimsuit.... *evil laugh*... oh the possibilities! So ya this is kinda a cliche chapter but ima have a lot of fun writing it... Also Adrien better step up his game 'cause he's gonna have some competition for Mari...

Marinette's POV

I quickly put on my swimsuit and a white coverup and darted out the door to our room, grabbing a white and fluffy hotel towel on the way out. I walked as fast as I could over to the elevator, not seeing any of my friends or classmates when I passed by their rooms.

'They must all already be at the pool,' I thought, shrugging as I pushed the button to call the elevator. It dinged and the doors opened, allowing me to step into it and press the button for level one.

The doors opened and I walked towards the back of the hotel to where a door to the outside was labeled "Pool". I pushed the door slowly open and my jaw dropped slightly at what I saw.

 I pushed the door slowly open and my jaw dropped slightly at what I saw

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"Wow," I whispered. The palace had a nice pool too I supposed, but this one was just... amazing. It was almost empty because it was late, but I saw my friends all at one side of it talking and laughing as a group, and a few other people were outside too. Alya saw me standing by the entrance and waved at me, inviting me to come over. I giggled and started to run slightly, but the ground was slick and I didn't notice and... before I knew it I was falling forward. I braced myself for hitting the hard concrete, but instead I felt a pair of warm arms catch me.

"Are you alright?" A male voice asked me, chuckling slightly. I looked up to see an Asian boy my age with jet black hair and dark brown eyes. He looked familiar for some reason, but I couldn't remember why. (I bet you all thought it was gonna be Adrien. Nah, that's just too cliche.)

"I'm Li," he offered. "Li Xiang." And then it clicked. I gasped as he helped me to my feet.

"Li?" I asked breathlessly.

He gave me an strange look. "Do I know you?"

"You don't remember?" I asked, momentarily forgetting I had dyed my hair and that I still had green contacts in.

He shook his head. "No, you don't look like anyone I've ever met but-"

"Li, it's me. Meixiu Shang," I whispered the last part into his ear. His eyes widened with realization.

"Mei?" He gasped. I nodded and blushed slightly as I looked him over again. He'd grown quite a bit since I'd last seen him, and while we used to be about the same height he was now at least a head taller than me. His hair was a bit longer and messy, as if he'd just crawled out of bed, but his eyes were still the same. Dark brown and normally full of laughter, though at the moment they were filled with worry for our current situation.

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