Confessions and Bad Reactions

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Nobody's POV

Marinette sat on her bed in her hotel room, her legs pulled up to her chest, the guard uniform she'd stolen stuffed into the closet.

Chat sat in a chair across from her, arms and legs crossed, with an expectant expression on his face.

Marinette shifted uncomfortably. They'd been like that for a few minutes; after Chat had found her in the dungeons they'd both escaped via the nearest window and he'd carried her back to the hotel. She hadn't asked him how he knew where she was staying. It was the least pressing thing on her mind right then.

"Chat, I really should get back, Miss Bustier will-"

"Not until you explain," Chat cut her off. "You've been acting distant and strange ever since you found out about the trip! You dyed your hair, got colored contacts, starting running off at random times, and always act scared and worried. What's going on?!"

Marinette just gaped at him.

'How does he know about all that?!' She asked herself. 'It's almost like he knows me personally...'

"H-how do you know about that?" She asked him in shock. "And how'd you know where to find me?"

Chat Noir paled. "I-uh-Ladybug! Yeah, she told me. And then at the palace I talked to Adrien."

The bluenette raised her eyebrows at him.

'Liar' she thought.

"I don't believe you." She stated bluntly.

"Th-that's not the point though," Chat Noir sputtered. The real question is what are you hiding?"

Marinette bit her lip, unsure what to say.

"Please tell me, Princess," he pleaded.

"Fine," Marinette let out a long breath. "But... it's kind of a long story."

"I have time."

"Well, long story short, I'm... friends with the Princess of China."

Chat's jaw dropped.

"Kai's her brother, obviously. And she has an older sister, named Bridgette. When Bridgette was supposed to take the throne, Kai became jealous and tried to... kill her. Me and my- I mean Bridgette, her parents, and her younger sister were separated and went into hiding. But Kai captured all of them except the youngest princess. And he's planning to kill them all when he captures her. So I'm trying to help."

Marinette finished and waited for his response anxiously. She knew she probably shouldn't have lied about her only being friends with the princess, but...

Chat just stared at her wide-eyed

"So... in the dungeon you were trying to save her family?" He concluded, still looking shocked.

"Um... yeah," Marinette agreed hesitantly.

They both stayed frozen for a minute, as Marinette waited for the intelligent and encouraging response her partner was sure to provide.

"I gotta go."

"Wait-what?" Marinette asked in confusion.

Chat shook his head. "I think... Ladybug's calling me! Yep, definitely! It's probably important. Really important. Bye!"

He was through the window in an instant, leaving Marinette hurt and confused.

"Well that didn't go very well," she muttered to herself as she flopped face-first onto her bed. Then, with a shriek she sat back up.

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