Breaking In

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Nobody's POV

A masked figure swung through the night, barely making a sound as she moved almost too swiftly to be seen. With a barely audible crunch she landed on the soft snow that lightly covered the ground in a thin layer of white. The soft light of the full moon reflected off of her dark blue hair and gave her face an almost angelic appearance as she cautiously tied something around her waist and looked around carefully.

She scanned the area. Surrounding her were the dark sillouettes of pine trees and the cold wind that whipped her pigtails into her face. Looming above was a tall, iron gate with a delicate pattern of frost frozen onto the surface.

"Chat? Chat Noir?" The hero whispered softly. A dark figure stepped around a pine tree.

"Ladybug?" A male voice asked. The girl sighed in relief and nodded.

"Yeah." She replied softly.

The figure walked closer until he was a few feet away. The moonlight illuminated his dark features, revealing a boy with honey blonde hair, bright green eyes, and a black leather suit and mask.

The two examined each other in silence for a moment, the howl of the wind being the only noise audible.

"You're here early," Ladybug remarked as she rubbed her arms to keep warm. Chat Noir nodded, looking at her with concern.

"I didn't want to be late," he waved it off. "Are you alright? You look cold."

The bluenette shook her head. "I'm fine," she promised.

It was too dark to tell, but Chat Noir rolled his eyes at his partner's refusal for help.

"You're cold." He decided. Before she could protest, he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her into him. She relaxed as she felt his reassuring warmth chase away the biting chill of the winter night.

Laying her head on his shoulder, Ladybug let out a shuddering sigh.

"Chat Noir, I'm afraid," she admitted so softly that he was only able to hear because her mouth was right by his ear. At her words, his grip on her waist tightened as he gripped her protectively.

He bit his lip as he considered his next words carefully. His lady had never before admitted to being afraid, and he'd never suspected her to be. She was always confident, brave, and cool under fire. What had changed?

"You'll be fine," he promised. "We've got a good- well, actually, I don't know the plan so I can't say that. But you've got experience. You'll save the day, as usual."

Ladybug let out a barely audible sob, caught in a moment of vulnerability.

"I- I don't know if I can," she bit her lip as she tried to calm down. "This is so much bigger than normal."

Chat Noir nustled his face into her soft blue hair, enjoying their close proximity.

"I know you Ladybug." He reminded her. "Maybe not as a civilian, but I've seen you improvise and save the day more times than I can count. So what if this is a little different? You can use what you already know and are amazing at to crush these little Chinese butts!"

Ladybug let out a shaky laugh at Chat's enthusiasm.

"Thanks Chat," she smiled softly. "But there's something I'm not telling you. I'm actually-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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