Secret Meetings

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Alya's POV

I stomped over the carpet of Nino and Adrien's hotel room for probably the thousandth time in the past hour.

"Where are they!" I asked yet again, stopping momentarily to throw my hands into the air in frustration and panic.

Nino sighed. "Alya, we don't know," he reminded me patiently, although I could see he was worried too. "We've tried calling them a million times and no one's answered."

Adrien nodded in agreement.

"But... but... there's got to be something else we can do. What do you think Marinette? Marinette?" I spun around to where my best friend had been leaning against the wall a minute ago, only to find that she was gone.

"Where is she?" I demanded, eyeing the boys. "Did you see her leave?"

They both just shrugged and shook their heads.

"Then where could she-"

"Alya, look!" Nino shouted suddenly, pointing to something outside. I ran to the window and peered over the edge with the two boys. Below, our class was running into the hotel from a bright blue bus. Everyone looked scared and shaken, but thankfully no one seemed hurt.

Forgetting all about Marinette, I darted out the door and down the hall, Adrien and Nino at my heels.


Ten Minutes Ago

Marinette's POV

I leaned against the wall with my head in my hands as I watched Alya pace back and forth on the carpet. Adrien and Nino stood off to the side, both absorbed in their own thoughts.

A million thoughts and questions raced through my mind, each more pressing than the next.  Shaking my head I tried to concentrate on how I could help our class. If only I could somehow leave the room and transform...

I reached into my purse and felt Tiki's reassuring warmth, helping me to relax slightly. To be honest, I wasn't too worried about the fact that I'd almost gotten shot. I mean, I was Ladybug, who had akumatized people trying to kill her all the time. That was just an ordinary Monday.

What worried me was the fact that I'd been attacked as a civilian. Unless Chloe had hired an assasin to get rid of me, (which was actually quite possible), it meant that someone knew I was the Princess of China. Or, at least knew who I was from my incident at the palace. That probably wasn't a very good idea.

I was standing up from my position on the wall and preparing to sneak into the bathroom to transform when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

I turned around expecting to see Adrien or Nino standing behind me, but all I saw was the white wall and open doorway.

Turning back around, I started towards the bathroom when someone grabbed my wrist. Whipping around, all I could see was an arm reaching out from the doorway.

I was about to scream when someone hissed, "Marinette!"

I tilted my head to the side. That voice sounded familiar.


Peering through the doorway, I saw my friend crouched by the wall grinning widely.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her in bewilderment. "And where were you earlier?" I added.

"Shhh!" She whispered urgently, "We need to go. Follow me."

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