Mall Confusion

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A/N: Before I start, I was just wondering; would anyone be interested in a contest of some sort?

I'm not sure how I'd do it, but if you'd be interested or have any ideas for it please let me know!


Marinette's POV

I furiously wiped the tears from off my face as my feet pounded down the flights of stairs. When I reached the bottom I stopped, hiding behind a plant as Li's footsteps grew closer. Eventually, he reached me and flew past my hiding spot, heading down another hall.

I breathed a shaky sigh of relief as I tried to calm down. After a moment, my breathing was more stable, and when I glanced in the mirror I saw that my eyes were only a little red.

I briefly considered just going back up to the hotel room, but then Alya would know something was wrong. So I plastered on a fake smile and tried my best to casually walk outside.

Setting my towel down on the bench, I took off my coverup and walked over to where our class was standing (and splashing) at one end of the pool.

"Hey guys!" I said casually as I slipped into the water. A chorus of "hi's" responded quickly.

"Marinette!" Rose squealed. "We're having another splash fight! Boys vs. girls. Wanna join?"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Sure!"

She giggled as I sent a wave of water towards Adrien. He spluttered as he tried to rub his eyes, and I smiled innocently.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play?" He smirked after the momentary shock had worn off. "Well, princess, two can play at that game!" He told me as he splashed me right back.

Before I knew it everyone was back into the game. It was pretty fun to watch, since most people were flirting while splashing each other.

At one point Adrien distracted me by pointing at Alya, who was giggling and bright red while fighting Nino, who was an equal shade of tomato red.

While I was busy smiling and fangirling, he snuck behind me.

"Boo," he whispered suddenly in my ear. I turned around with a shriek, and when I saw who it was I raised my hand to create another wave of water. He grabbed my hand playfully, and smirked.

I blushed as I realized how close we were. We stayed like that for a moment, staring into each other's eyes, before Nino coughed awkwardly and I realized everyone else was staring at us. Blushing, we both pulled away.

Alya smirked and rolled her eyes, mouthing, "I ship it," as Rose fangirled off to the side.

Everyone was still for a moment, until Kim broke the silence.

"Well, are we gonna keep playing, or what?"

Alix responded by splashing him in the face with a large grin.

"Keep playing, you idiot,"

And then the moment was gone.


I woke up the next morning to bright sunlight streaming in through the window, and Alya snoring loudly across the room.

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