New People

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Thank you soooooo much! Sorry I haven't been updating much, I'm trying to figure out the plot. Still unsure :P . Anyways I'm going to try to update every week on Friday-Monday. Key word: try.

Anyways thanks again!!!! Here's the chapter!

Adrien's POV

The next morning I woke up to a pillow being thrown at my head by my wonderful (note the sarcasm) friend Nino.

"Time to wake up, dude! We're going to the castle today!" I sat up straight in bed.


"Yeah, we leave in an hour!" I jumped out of bed and saw that Nino was already dressed and ready.

I raised my eyebrows. "How early did you wake up?"

He shrugged. "I've been up for about an hour." I yawned and looked at the time.


"You got up at 4:30 in the morning??"

"I wanted to spend time with Alya!" He said defensively, and then blushed. "Wait, did I just-"

I smirked at him triumphantly. "Yes, yes you did." He facepalmed. "I'm happy for you two." He blushed and stuttered as I grabbed a pair of jeans, a black striped shirt, and a white over-shirt and walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later I came out, ready to leave. We went downstairs together for some breakfast, and met Mari and Alya on our way to the elevator.

"Hey guys!" Marinette waved. Nino and Alya both blushed when they saw each other. Marinette and I smirked at each other, and she nodded at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You know, I need to talk to Marinette about something," I told our friends. "You two go ahead."

Nino stuttered, "O-okay."

"Suit yourselves," Alya shrugged, then grabbed Nino's hand causing him to turn an even darker shade of red. "Come on Nino, let's get to breakfast before Kim eats everything!" They ran past the elevator and took the stairs, getting a few glares from other guests. Marinette and I stood awkwardly in the hallway as everyone else went into their rooms. We were alone.

"They're made for each other," Mari sighed.

"Definitely," I agreed, but I wasn't thinking about our friends. Instead, my thoughts were centered on the girl in front of me. Her now green eyes were still beautiful, and if I looked closely I thought I could see a sparkle of bright blue. Her dyed brown hair was up in a ponytail, showing off her beautiful face, and her perfect-

She sighed suddenly, breaking me out of my trance. "Look, Adrien, I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have said that about you being Chat Noir. I wasn't thinking."

"Actually, I-" I was cut off by Rose running up to us calling our names.

"Adrien! Marinette! You guys should come down. Li's back and he brought some people with him! They're coming with us to the palace." I watched Marinette's eyes widen with fear before she put her mask on and her face turned into the fake smile she'd had most of the time since we found out about the trip to China.

She turned to me. "We should go down and meet them," she said with forced sounding cheerfulness. I nodded and we walked down in silence. When we got there we saw Li from yesterday was talking to our class. With him were three other girls.

One of them had long black hair down to her waist, pale skin, and dark brown eyes. She wore a red crop top and ripped army-camo shorts. (Real username: Fanfic_Fan_Forever ). She was standing right next to Li and was doubled over laughing at something he'd said.

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