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Marinette's POV

I was sitting on a chair by the window in our hotel room, gazing at the world outside. I could see the buildings, houses, and landscapes I remembered from when I was here before. Our hotel was outside of Beijing but still in a city, just a smaller city with shorter buildings and less people. I strained my eyes and looked out the window to see the castle in the distance. Everything about it was familiar, from the turrets, to the walls, to the gardens surrounding it...


I ran through the door to outside, peeking behind me to make sure no one was following me. I was supposed to be in etiquette class, learning how to curtesy like a "proper princess", but I didn't care. This wasn't the first time I had ditched my classes even though I was only eight.

I burst outside and saw that the grounds were empty and the sky was gray, as if it was going to rain soon. I didn't care about that either, though. Without even stopping I kicked off the red flats my mom had forced me into that morning and ran barefooted on the cold, damp grass. I smiled a real smile for the first time that day as a cool breeze blew my hair into my face.

I had reached the hedge maze in the center of the gardens and without hesitation I plunged into them, since I knew the way through by heart. Right, left, right again, straight, I giggled as I called out the directions to myself, running even faster than before. That was, until, I found myself crashing into something solid.

I looked up from the ground to see my big brother, Kai. An awkward thirteen year old at the time, Kai was tall and gangly, with his short black hair smoothed down on his head. He looked down at me in surprise as he held out a hand to help me up.

"I thought you were supposed to be in etiquette lessons, Mei. Did you get out early?" I looked at the ground and nervously giggled.

"I decided I was finished for today. I don't like curtsy practice," He raised his eyebrows at me.

"So you ran away?" He said with a small sigh and a smile.

"Are you going to make me go back?" I asked sadly, thinking he would.

He shrugged his shoulders at me. "How could I if I didn't know you were missing in the first place? I never saw you," he whispered in my ear, causing me to giggle again, but this time from happiness.

"Thanks Kai!" I told him wrapping my arms around his waist before running past him deeper into the maze. I heard him chuckle as he walked away.

**end flashback**

"Mari? Marinette! Are you okay?" Someone was shaking my shoulders.

"W-what?" I asked, confused. Adrien was standing in front of me with a worried expression on his face, his hands still on my shoulders.

"What happened?" I asked again as I tried to remember what I had just been doing. I was sitting in my hotel room, looking out the window when I remembered something from my childhood...

He backed away a little to give me some space and replied, "You spaced out, I guess. And you're crying. Are you okay?"

I remembered the flashback and burst into tears, causing Adrien to wrap me in a hug.

'Kai used to be so nice,' I thought to myself, 'He was always there for me. So why did he turn evil? Or was he evil all along and it was all fake? I trusted him! I'll get him back for what he's done to me, my family, and all of China.'

"I'll get him back," I muttered to myself, not even realizing what I was saying or that Adrien was right there.

The Cinnamon Roll gave me a funny look. "You'll get who back? Mari, are you sure you're all right?"

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine. I just had a bad dream, that's all." He still looked unsure.

"Well, I'm here if you want to-" At that exact time Alya burst into the room in a swimsuit, totally ruining the moment.

"You guys have got to come outside! There's a huge pool and everyone's out there and-," Alya stopped when she saw us by the window still hugging. We blushed and pulled away. "Am I interrupting something? Sorry I'll leave.." she said awkwardly.

"No, no!" I hastily said. "We were just- uh- talking! That's all!" Both Alya and Adrien raised their eyebrows at that.

"Uh huh," Alya looked unconvinced. "You sure that's all? 'Cause when I came in it looked like you two were doing a lot more than just talking."

"Well, Mari was upset about something so I was trying to comfort her," Adrien explained. Alya raised her eyebrows.

"I'm fine now! We'll be right down!" I exclaimed and pushed Alya out of the room. I turned around to face Adrien. "You too banana boy." My face turned red as I realized what I just called him.

He smirked at me. "Banana boy, huh?"

"Well your hair is, like, golden yellow." No going back now.

"Well purrrincess your face is quite red. I think that means you like my luscious golden locks."

I snorted. "Well you and your 'luscious golden locks' better get outta here before someone separates the two of you from each other. Permanently." I picked up a pair of scissors on the table and held them up threateningly.

"Okay, okay," he held his hands up in defense. "I'm leaving." He backed out of the room slowly, smiling as he did so, and closed the door. As soon as he was gone I realized what had just happened and I screamed. Loudly. Adrien burst back into the room looking panicked.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Fine," I choked out as I started hyperventilating. He looked like he didn't believe me but I pushed him out the door and locked it. Then I screamed again (into a pillow this time).

"I just had a full conversation with my crush, Adrien Agreste, without stuttering once! I actually flirted! And he flirted back!!!" I squealed, my voice muffled by the pillow. I stayed like that for a few minutes, hugging the pillow, until I finally had calmed down enough to get up and change. I was still freaking out, but there was no way I was going to miss seeing Adrien in a swimsuit in real life!

A/N: Okay, this is kinda a weird chapter but... yeah. Anyway, this is a big step for Marinette, right? A full conversation with Adrien? Now if she could just try to not scream afterwards... *sigh* I'll take what I can get.

Anyways as always thanks for reading and please vote and comment. And if you made a character on the Author's note page they should appear soon... I'm just still trying to figure out the plot. Bye!

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