A/N- Tagged Again...

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I was tagged by adegirl123 so... here goes.

1. Do you have a crush?

2. Do they like you?
Probably not

3. Middle Name?
Sorry, but like Ladybug my identity must remain a secret 🐞😂

4. Single or Taken?
Single (ofc)

5. Last person texted?

6. Last song listened to?
MIRACULOUS! SIMPLY THE BEST! UP TO THE TEST WHEN THINGS GO WRONG! (Ok, probably not but like... I love that song 😂)

7. Battery percentage?

8. Girl Best Friend?
Idk I have a lot of friends not just one main one...

9. Guy Best Friend?
Um... no

10. Favorite OTP?

(I'm not a Ladrien fan)

11. Why I made this account?
So I can enjoy my MLB fandom in peace and fangirl in secret.

12. Current lock screen?

 Current lock screen?

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But I love these...

But I love these

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13. Birthday?
It's in the spring...

14. Tag 20 people:


And also I really wanted to thank a couple people who've been really supportive!


And so many more! Also all of my amazing readers, because you guys rock. Seriously, I couldn't do this without you.

Thanks so much!


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