Dangerous Ideas

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A/N: Yay! I'm actually on time this week!

So as a recap, last chapter Marinette and her friends were taking a tour of the palace and stopped in the throne room to meet Marinette's brother, the king (who's going to continue the tour). While they were there Mari saw some people she didn't expect to see...

As for the little competition I announced in the last real chapter about guessing who the two on the platform were...

The winners were valpowromance and Plikki who both guessed half of who'd be there.

Good job everyone, though, there were some really good guesses. Also I'm sorry if someone else guessed it first, when they said her parents I assumed they meant her real parents not Tom & Sabine so... Sorry if I messed that up.

Should I tell you exactly who in this chapter? Hmmmm, I don't know...

Anyways, on with the chapter!


Marinettes POV

I stared up at the platform in shock, unable to believe my eyes. I heard Alya gasp in shock slightly as she saw who was up there. We both just stared at the people in shock- well, actually Alya only recognized one of them. But she was still frozen.

As Kai stepped off of the platform the boys had to practically drag us along with the rest of the class. It wasn't until we were back in the hallway that we regained our composure.

Alya sidled up next to me and whispered into my ear.

"Why was she there???"

I shook my head in confusion. "I don't know... and my-my uncle was up there too."

Alya inhaled sharply.

"I-it doesn't mean he's evil necessarily," I hurried to say, "he could just be... undercover?" Alya nodded unconvincingly and gave me a forced smile.

"Yeah. Th-that might have been it." I forced a smile back.

We stayed like that for a moment before Alya awkwardly said, "Well, I probably should go catch up with Nino." I nodded at she slipped up to near the front of the group where Nino and Adrien were walking and whispering to each other. When Alya reached them they instantly quieted.

I shook my head as I stayed towards the back of the group. As we walked through more parts of the palace I stared into space, thinking about what had just happened.

I stayed like that for at least an hour, quietly walking by myself. I only looked up when I heard my brother say four words. Four wonderful words that filled me with hope:

"Next is the dungeons."

As he explained about how China "follows rules strictly" and such, I instantly formulated a plan in my head. Squeezing through my disgruntled classmates I made my way up to Li.

I walked by him for a moment before speaking quietly.

"What if-"

He instantly shook his head before I even finished.


I looked at him indignantly. "You didn't even know what I was going to say!" I whispered harshly.

He gave me a knowing look. "You were going to ask to save your parents and sister. Now. And the answer is no. It's far too dangerous. You'd be captured and executed by tomorrow."

"But I-"

He continued without letting me finish. "You have no experience in fighting and definitely aren't ready. You'd be recognized. Your friends would be in danger."

I was about to respond with a sharp retort about my experience in fighting but he placed a finger on my lips.

"Wait for the professionals little flower."

Anger coursed through my veins as he left my side and went over to where Winter, Yao Yi, and Akane were standing.

Wait for the professionals? Yeah right. I just so happened to be Ladybug, crime fighting superhero of Paris, thank you very much. I'd show him who was a professional!

I fell to the back of the group again as I fumed silently, completely lost in my thoughts.

"Marinette," a voice whispered in my ear causing me to jump for what felt like the tenth time today. I spun around to see Akane with her hands on her hips.

"W-what?" I hissed. "You scared me! And you shouldn't talk to me."

"Mm. And you shouldn't zone out."

"Fine," I agreed sheepishly. "What is it?"

"Do you know where we are?"

I looked around, recognizing a staircase nearby.

"First floor, fifth hallway in the northeast part of the palace." She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

I smirked playfully. "I haven't lost my touch."

She nudged my shoulder slightly, holding back a smile.

As we took a sharp right her face grew serious again.

"And you know where we're gonna be in a few minutes?" She asked me quietly and I nodded my head.

"The dungeons. But Li doesn't want me to-"

Akane cut me off. "Who says you should listen to him? A better opportunity might not come."

I pondered her words for a moment.

"You think I could do it?"

She nodded confidently. "Were not actually going to where your parents and sister are. Just a tour of the front part, where minor thieves and such are kept. But if someone could sneak away, perhaps..." She trailed off.

I nodded slowly.

"We could keep them safe, if you rescued them. But you'd be on your own down there. And it'd be dangerous." She added. I gave her a mischievous grin.

"Akane, Danger is my middle name."


A/N: YAY! Another cliffhanger! I'm really starting to like these...

This chapter's kinda short but the next one will be longer and have some of the love square in it.



Anyways, seeya next time!

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