Hiding in Plain Sight

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Marinette's POV

Our bus stopped at the gate to the palace and I looked out the window to see that we were surrounded by a thick, white fog. I tried to examine our surroundings, but the fog prevented me from seeing more than a few feet in front of the bus. All I could see was the ghostly outline of the towering, black iron gates and the tall fence that outlined the palace grounds. Everything else was hidden by the soupy, white mist.

Kim started to stand up but Miss Bustier glared at him and cleared her throat. He sat back down and everyone was silent as we waited for something to happen.

After a moment the bus doors hissed open, and three men in dark uniforms stepped onto the bus. I recognized them as some of the palace guards.

While one of them talked to the bus driver, our teacher, and Li the other two walked down the aisle examining the students, making sure no one was on the bus that shouldn't be or that could be a threat. That was, at least, what I heard them tell Miss Bustier. I knew that wasn't the truth-or at least, not all of it. They were also looking for me.

As they walked by where Adrien and I were sitting they didn't give us more than a second glance, and I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I'd been holding.

So my disguise was working.

Eventually they finished and stepped off of the bus one by one. I visibly relaxed as the bus doors closed and the gates were slowly opened. We inched forward up the hill to the castle at what felt like a snail's pace.

My cheek pressed against the cold window, I looked out at the grounds with nostalgia. Well, what I could see of the grounds. With the thick fog all I could really see was the outlines of tall hedges and silhouettes of stone fountains. But my mind filled in the rest...


"Come on, we're gonna miss it!" I whined, tugging at my older sister, Bridgette's hand.

The seventeen year old giggled at my antics. "It's okay, Mei, we're almost ready,"

I sighed and tried my best to wait patiently next to my sister. After a minute my mother and father came walking towards us hand in hand. My brother Kai was behind them carrying a blanket.

When I saw them I squealed and ran up to hug Kai's waist. He chuckled and as I pulled away I slipped my small hand into his larger one. I dragged him behind me (him pretending I was 'too strong' to fight) as I lead the way to my favorite hill in the gardens. Kai spread out the blanket he'd brought on the grass and all five of us sat together on it side by side and watched the sunset.

Orange, pink, purple, red... the colors filled the sky as I stared up in awe. I'd never seen anything so beautiful.

My mother pulled out a plate of cookies she'd grabbed from the kitchen, causing my sister to giggle. We all grabbed one as we chatted about our day and anything else on our minds (I at the moment was focused on the unicorn I was hoping for for my birthday).

As the sun sunk below the mountains in the distance, I snuggled up to my brother and fell asleep to the bubbling of the fountains and the whispers of my family...

**end flashback**

"Marinette? Marinette, are you okay?" Someone was nudging my shoulder gently.

I sat up straight. "W-what?"

It was Adrien. He looked at me with concern and told me, "We're here and getting out. You ready?" I nodded and stood up. I followed the rest of the class down the aisle and out the doors, stepping onto a stone "driveway" of sorts. As we followed Miss Bustier up a long flight of cold, stone stairs leading to the doors I felt a warm hand slip into mine and I jumped. Looking to my right, I saw Adrien holding my hand in his.

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